A lot of action today. Enjoy.

The Big One
Greg: Last night Buzzfeed broke the story that Uber SVP Emil Michael suggested that they go after reporters who’ve questioned the company, specifically Pando’s Sarah Lacy, by digging up dirt on their personal lives. The tech world blew up and most called for Emil’s head. Sarah Lacy of course penned another scathing review of the company and Uber ended up apologizing.

This was a stupid mistake from Emil but it’s not going to affect the business at the end of the day. Even though our Chicago team vowed to delete their Uber app, plenty other folks will continue to use it – including a TechCrunch journalist who awkwardly bragged about it last night.

Uber is an incredibly ruthless machine and it is part of why they are winning. However, as the company scales they will need to start to tighten the screws just a little bit on the ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude – at least to keep some dignity.

Chase: Sadly another reason for people to hate Uber. While I understand the maverick-don’t-give-an-eff mentality needed in taking on the entrenched cabbie unions, I think this is a case where success has blinded management to a degree (some would say a bit, some would say a ton). The complete and utter lack of humility is disappointing.

Hot Goss
Galen: Dunwello is rumored to be raising some new financing, following a neat little pivot Matt Lauzon, Matt Brand and team executed last month. I hear the two Matts are out talking to a couple Boston angels with IPOs under their belt, at least one of whom said “no” last winter, when Dunwello was raising a $1.8 million seed. Maybe they found out Steve Schlaf is an early adopter.

Greg: Seems odd to talk to angels in what I would imagine would be a much larger A round but it’s possible – strategic maybe? Either way, Dunwello has been getting some traction and it appears to be off to a good start.

Chase: I didn’t get the first iteration of the product, but I understand what they are trying to achieve now. Linkedin profiles don’t provide solid information on how someone has performed in their career. All of the information provided is what they have written about themselves outside of the “recommendations” section. Naturally, this information doesn’t help in assessing job candidates. How many times have you said “well they looked great on paper”?

It is a tough space because inherently users can hide bad info. Further, I’m always skeptical of people with too many good reviews. Often times the best people aren’t the ones spending a ton of time on Linkedin… But if Dunwello can figure out a way to genuinely give good information to potential hires on performance, it is a powerful concept.

Making Moves
Kyle: You might’ve mentally listed Grandbanks Capital among the venture capital walking dead—if you did you apparently were wrong. The firm has made at least three first-time investments (i.e., not follow-ons) this year. Those include Coherent Path in June, Dispatch (announced today) and another first-time investment that we’ve sworn not to tell you about until tomorrow.

Greg: Don’t call it a comeback folks but it looks like Grandbanks is back. Actually, let’s call it a comeback. As far as I know the firm has been asleep for a few years, but it looks like they’re ready to get back in the game. Love the investment in consumer companies from these guys as well.

Chase: Charlie Lax is lighting up some cigars tonight. Definitely a perk of doing a deal with GB – you get some good stogies.

Chase: I was fortunate enough to spend the day today at Charles Sumner elementary school in Roslindale for Mayor Walsh’s Principal Partners day where members of the business and non-profit communities spend a day alongside BPS principals. Mayor Walsh is carrying on this tradition started by Mayor Menino, and the folks over at Bank of America have been kind enough to be big supporters of the event for years. While Menino did a good job of bettering BPS, there is a lot the tech community could be doing to give back to our local public schools. Mayor Walsh is rolling out a mentor program next year for 1k students and they need mentors. Further, the schools are in need of technology products like Chromebooks and iPads. If you’re interested in making donations contact me as I’ll be pulling together a group to help out.


Greg: Cool. Report: Krafts Eyeing Southie as Potential Site of New Soccer Stadium

Chase: I live in Southie and would welcome the Revs.

Yesterday’s News

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