Move aside warm-weather holidays such as Easter and the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving just got recognized for being the most popular running holiday in the United States.

A new graph compiled off of three years of data from RunKeeper (published in Runner’s World) shows that 19.7 percent of users recorded pounding the pavement on this food-filled holiday. Relatively high compared to the 14 percent on Memorial Day or the measly 8.8 percent on Halloween.

The data shows that regardless of the colder temps, runners make it a point to lace up prior to filling their plates with delicious grub on Thanksgiving. And whether you’re partaking in an organized race or simply going out for a jog, this trend seems to be on the rise.

RunKeeper found that not only are Americans logging more runs on this stuffing-saturated day, but that Thanksgiving also hosts the most road races than any other day of the year!

According to a 2013 article from Runner’s World,

Overall, participation in road races on Thanksgiving has grown steadily over the last five years. Since 2008, the number of finishers has jumped 119 percent, from 381,000 to 835,000 in 2012. The number of events in those years increased from 290 to 490, a 69 percent rise.

So lace up your sneaks and log some miles before your meal this Thanksgiving. We’re certain you won’t be the only one out on a pre-turkey burn jog.


Image via RunKeeper/Runner’s World