Among the slew of year-end reviews comes one haunting revisit: What we Googled in 2014. Now, this is what we, as the people with access to the Internet in the state of Massachusetts Googled, collectively, so your 3 a.m. hypochondriacal worries and not-to-be-mentioned wonders are safe, likely.

At the end of each year, Google launches its Year in Search, looking back on the spikes in search terms that ultimately mark the year’s big trends. Here in Mass., some searches stayed true to this formula, representing a pinpoint of the year, something mostly everyone was talking about, and everyone else was silently Googling as to not seem ill-informed (i.e., “What is Ebola?”). Others, however, simply seem to represent basic ideas that an alarmingly high number of people in our state waited until this year to discover (i.e., “What is accounting?”).

Google’s year-end data is meant to reflect the “topics and people that defined 2014.” In many ways, it manages to do so, but things go a little off course — at least here in Massachusetts. Let’s take a look at the rest of the state’s Top 10 “What is…” questions of the year:

    1. What is Ebola?
    2. What is ALS?
    3. What is accounting?
    4. What is socialism?
    5. What is imagery?
    6. What is maltose?
    7. What is mononucleosis?
    8. What is stress?
    9. What is alimony?
    10. What is diabetes?

If you’ll notice, only the top two searches in that list really reflect big stories from the year: the Ebola spread and the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. (You could also make a fight for socialism, if you want to get into politics.) Most others are just sort of difficult words (alimony, mononucleosis, I suppose) or basic concepts (imagery). Only one could be interpreted as a sort of existential cry for help. “What is stress, anyway??”

The year’s top trending searches in Massachusetts were more on point, if at times morbid.

1. Robin Williams
2. World Cup
3. Ebola
4. Joan Rivers
5. Phillip Seymour Hoffman
6. Boston Marathon
7. Malaysia Airlines
8. Ray Rice
9. Jennifer Lawrence
10. ALS

Jennifer Lawrence managed to be the only most-searched celebrity in the state who didn’t sadly pass away this year, or become the center of a highly publicized domestic violence case, so there’s that. The topics – World Cup, Ebola, Boston Marathon, Malaysia Airlines and ALS – are to be expected. And we still don’t totally know where the plane is.

The trending searches closely aligned with the top News and Events in Massachusetts in 2014:

    1. World Cup
    2. Ebola
    3. Boston Marathon
    4. Malaysia Airlines
    5. ALS
    6. Ferguson
    7. Olympics
    8. Easter 2014
    9. Super Bowl 2014
    10. ISIS

While these lists above are the most representative of the past year via Google, it’s the top “How to…” searches in Massachusetts that yield the most gems.

    1. How to juggle
    2. How to focus
    3. How to shave
    4. How to tinder
    5. How to sing
    6. How to draw
    7. How to save
    8. How to detox
    9. How to declutter
    10. How to annotate

Only one of these searches is really a sign of the times, but if you’re asking “How to Tinder,” perhaps you shouldn’t be Tindering at all? (Just kidding; we all need help sometimes.) But let’s just let it simmer that How to juggle is the most searched how-to in the state. And yet, I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen seen someone successfully juggle. It just doesn’t add up – or maybe, it’s because no one knows how to focus, either.

Of course, these stats are just one piece of the global search trends of 2014. The top trending U.S. and global searches are listed below, and Google’s Year in Search 2014 video, which will fill you with emotion far better than anything we’ve said so far, is above. Find out more about Google’s year-end results here.

Top Trending U.S Searches

    1. Robin Williams
    2. World Cup
    3. Ebola
    4. Malaysia Airlines
    5. Flappy Bird
    6. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
    7. ISIS
    8. Ferguson
    9. Frozen
    10. Ukraine

Trending Global Searches

    1. Robin Williams
    2. World Cup
    3. Ebola
    4. Malaysia Airlines
    5. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
    6. Flappy Bird
    7. Conchita Wurst
    8. ISIS
    9. Frozen
    10. Sochi Olympics

Featured screengrab via YouTube