Wet Hot American Summer, a satirical comedy about events taking place on the last day of the season at a fictional Jewish summer camp, hit theaters in 2001. Despite having what would be considered, in 2015, a larger-than-life cast, the movie tanked at the box office and received equally poor reviews. Among the movie’s original cast, Amy Poehler, Bradley Cooper, and Paul Rudd went on to achieve the biggest level of critically-acclaimed and commercial Hollywood success. As their stardom has grown, Wet Hot American Summer has come to be considered a cult classic.

Evidently sensing an opportunity, Netflix agreed to turn Wet Hot American Summer into a series, based on the movie. Filming started this week, Deadline Hollywood reports, adding that most of the original cast has returned to play the same characters – that includes Poehler, Cooper and Rudd.

The Hasty Pudding Theatricals 2015 Woman of the Year, Poehler, a former Saturday Night Live cast member and current star of NBC’s Parks and Recreation, wasn’t a main character; neither was Cooper, an Oscar-nominee and the star of Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper; Rudd, who would later land famous roles in a number of Judd Apatow movies (The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Knocked Up, Anchorman), stole the show.

The Netflix version of Wet Hot American Summer will be a limited offering, Deadline Hollywood reports. David Wain and Michael Showalter, who co-wrote the movie, have created eight episodes based on the original version, which is set in 1981.

Later this month, on January 29, Poehler is scheduled to lead a parade through Cambridge, before her roasting at Harvard University’s Farkas Hall, the historic home of Hasty Pudding. Later that night, she’ll be presented with her Pudding Pot. Poehler’s book, Yes Please, hit shelves October 28. On Sunday, Poehler will co-host the Golden Globes with Tina Fey – again.