Rita Jeptoo, winner of the 2014 Boston Marathon women’s division, and reason for the creation of the above MBTA-related meme, was banned earlier on Friday by Athletics Kenya (her home nation) for two years after traces of Erythropoietin (EPO) was found in her blood during a test in September of this past year.

The three-time Boston winner has been awaiting the ruling after both the “A” and “B” samples found conclusive evidence of doping.

It’s clearly a shocking disappointment from obvious perspectives, but also from the standpoint that the glorious meme seen above is now void. Jeptoo crushed the MBTA in the brief side-by-side race during her gallop to the finish line last April, but undoubtedly Bostonians will feel differently about the event knowing that Jeptoo had a little extra help in the form of a banned substance.

No word yet on how the MBTA feels after being vindicated.