Another round of snow is expected to hit Boston on Thursday; accumulations are likely to be minor. The bad news is that right behind Thursday’s system sits an arctic blast of cold air, which, if it mixes just right with a low pressure system off the East Coast, could result in a Valentine’s Day weekend blizzard.

Yup, another blizzard. Remember Winter Storm Juno? Yup, maybe just like that.


It may be the most impressive storm Boston has seen this winter, writes WeatherWise’s Dan Leonard:

Yes, another big one is lining up for the Boston area this weekend, and while it may or may not rival the other monster storms in the past 30 days from an accumulation standpoint, from a meteorological perspective it may end up being the most impressive yet. Why? The upper level low, of course!

Leonard goes on to write that a low pressure system like the one developing off the Northeast coast “has only occurred one other time in history, January 31, 1966.”

Of course, it’s still early. But romantic weekend plans may be hampered by yet another winter storm – and snowfall may not be the biggest threat.


The weekend storm looks like it could drop another foot of snow on Boston, which would be only half the amount Juno dumped over the course of 30 hours at the end of January. But frigid cold and strong winds could make things a whole lot worse.

“Bottom line,” Leonard writes, “another snowstorm is looking likely for the NE this weekend with solutions ranging from a glancing blow (moderate impact for Boston area) to a full blown blizzard (crippling Boston area).”


Screengrab via WSI.