Clocks spring forward Sunday, March 8, at 2 a.m. Image/public domain

Preface: The information contained herein is both positive and negative.

First, the good: In less than fives days time – while many Bostonians are either sleeping or, perhaps, stumbling home from a bar – Daylight Saving Time will go in effect. The official start time is Sunday, March 8, at 2 a.m.

Since most digital devices, smartphones and computers – among other time-telling instruments – will automatically spring forward early Sunday morning, there’s no need to worry about setting an alarm to do so. Do you as you normally would.

Those who tell time using hand-wound clocks, well, that’s a different story; plan ahead for the time difference.

Now, the bad: March Daylight Savings could be viewed by some as the unofficial start to Spring 2015, sure. But it’s not. And unfortunately, it will also strip one hour of sleep off one’s normal schedule.

On Sunday, the sun will rise over Boston at 7:09 a.m. and set at 6:42 p.m.