Every company knows that their success will live and die based on the public’s perception their brand. Their brand is who they are and how they make consumers feel about them. It’s so important to the success of a business that they actually pay people (brand managers) to devote their full energies to managing and ensuring the success of that brand.

Nonprofits are no different. Each organization, and their mission, elicits strong feelings from the public – some good, some not so good. So if you’re a nonprofit, when’s the last time you tapped into the massive data set online to ask:

Who are you?  And how does your brand make people feel?

Crimson Hexagon asked these very questions of the nationally recognized non-profits Teach for America and Americorps over the course of 2014.  Using our ForSight platform, we looked at the overall volume of the conversation around each brand, revealing the most successful spike of the year for Americorps 20th anniversary (thanks to tweets by influencers like Bill Clinton and President Obama).And underneath that volume, lies the critical insights into each of these organizations brands. Leveraging Crimson Hexagon’s BrightView analysis, we were able to identify the drivers of sentiment for each brand.At a whopping 34% of the conversation, Teach for America’s brand suffers from significant negative discussion around politics, policy, and a lack of teacher training. Just the opposite, Americorps brand suffers from virtually no negative conversation and sees a far higher proportion of positive sentiment (79%) compared to Teach for America (50%). Both organizations saw a significant portion of online chatter around recruitment for the programs (not a surprise).

For even more insight into what drives the conversation and topics around your organization, how people feel about your brand, and your key audiences and their affinities, download our Teach for America and Americorps case study.