As far as days of the week go, Monday mornings really get the short end of the stick. Being the furthest weekday from Friday, it’s got a bad rap being associated with early mornings and extra large cups of coffee. Mondays are so disliked that there’s an endless number of negative sayings associated with it, and Office Space even coined its well-known phrase describing the bad mood many employees experience on the first day of the workweek.

Turns out, there may be a legitimate reason why we’re all so against Mondays. Hint: it starts with how we’re spending Sunday.

It All Begins with Sunday

When it comes to Sunday, there seems to be two clear camps. There are those who continue their weekend in true Sunday Funday form, milking their days off for all they’re worth. And then there are those who spend their final weekend hours cramming in chores, running errands, prepping for the following morning by checking emails – feeling generally bummed out all the while.

Think you’re in the latter of the two? You’re probably right. In fact, 76 percent of American employees are right there with you, claiming they get the “Sunday night blues” (depression because the weekend’s come to a close).

Banish the Blues

Reign in the anxiety at work to rescue yourself from the Sunday slump and make that Monday morning alarm a little less dreadful. Try these simple office hacks to help cut stress and increase happiness (and productivity!) on the job.

  1. Get Growing: This one’s quick and easy. Put potted plants in your workspace. It’ll not only improve air quality, but research shows that plants help employees feel happier, less stressed, and more productive. Working in an office with flowers and plants will also spike creativity, according to a study that found men had 15 percent more ideas and females came up with more creative, flexible solutions to problems when working alongside a little greenery.

  2. Make Exercise Easy: Take a daily exercise break and you and the company will both reap major benefits – like less stressed, higher-performing people at the height of their mental and emotional peak. Just one vigorous workout is enough to reduce anxiety and depression for hours, and regular activity can have positive, long-term affects on the same feelings, as reported by Anxiety and Depression Association of America.

  3. Find an Office Bestie: Contrary to popular belief, a little workday socialization won’t kill employee productivity. With 66 percent of employees indicating their relationship with colleagues positively impacts their focus and productivity and 55 percent saying co-workers positively affect their stress levels at work, encouraging workplace friendships goes a long way. In fact, employees with best work friends are seven times more likely to be engaged and are thriving in their careers nearly 50 percent more than their less-socially connected counterparts, according to Gallup.

  4. Turn Up the Tunes: Against headphones in the office? You may want to reconsider your position. Listening to music while working boosts employee mood, creativity, and productivity – but it’s key that you carefully craft a playlist that’ll leave them engaged in their work, rather than rocking out on the air guitar. Listen to music for background noise and suggest limit the lyrically heavy songs.

You may not be in control of how you spend your Sundays, but you can boost your spirits come Monday morning. A company culture with well-being in mind supports people in doing what they need to relax, recharge, and keep focused while at work. Everyone will benefit – businesses included.

Have tried and true office hacks that help you stay calm, cool, and collected no matter what the day is? Share them with us in the comments below or on Twitter using #EWM15.

This article originally appeared on: The Uprising Blog