In this fast-paced world, taking time to focus on forming healthy habits seems nearly impossible. Work is a top priority, consuming more than 40 hours a week for 59 percent of full-time employees. Schedules are packed and we’re burned out – and it’s causing everyone’s energy and productivity levels to drop. Modern life is depleting us, causing them to develop unhealthy habits.

But there’s good news: it doesn’t take much to get back on the right track. Making healthier choices at work can help give you the push to practice healthy habits that matter across all areas of life.

When you focus on your well-being, you become more engaged and able to bring your best self to work every day. Change your lifes, increase your energy and productivity levels, and strengthen your work by starting with these three healthy habits.

Sleep Soundly

It may feel invasive discussing your sleeping habits, but it’s a topic that needs addressing. Forty percent of employees admit they doze off at least once a month during the workday, costing $18 billion annually in lost productivity, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

Educate yourself about what happens when you aren’t getting enough sleep. Figure out what’s depriving your sleep, and work to help make getting enough shuteye a priority. When you’re well rested, your memories are better, you make smarter financial decisions, and you’re less likely to make mistakes.

Mindful Focus

Are you constantly thrown off track by texts, emails, and noisy conversations at work? You’re not alone. These disruptions cause a 40 percent productivity loss, and when you try to make up for the lost time by multitasking, it only makes matters worse. But thankfully, there are simple solutions to help decrease the distractions and help you finish your work at hand.

Pick one item from your to-do list, and make sure you complete that task before starting another one. And when it comes to chatty colleagues, you can always use headphones to stay focused and actually boost productivity.

Learn New Things

Did you know that exercising your brain is just as important as your body? Learning new things opens the mind and improves cognitive function with aging. According to one of our survey reports, 53 percent of employees say the top reason they love their job is because of the interesting and challenging work, highlighting just how important it is to set yourself up for this engaging, stimulating work.

Try taking on those meaningful projects that’ll help sharpen your skill set – the one you were hired for. Attend training and development programs in different areas that’ll help drive your career too. It’s important that you not only grow in the workplace, but in your personal life as well. Explore new hobbies, like hiking or learning a new instrument.

Asking for and utilizing resources to improve your overall well-being is a benefit to both you and your organization. When you make healthy choices, they’ll become long-lasting habits that’ll carry into your work and beyond. By developing and maintaining healthy habits, you’re able to reach your full potential while creating a thriving, successful work and home life.

Want to learn more ways to help employees develop healthy habits? Check out our ebook for all nine habits to create a thriving workforce.

This article originally appeared on: The Uprising Blog