Teaming up with his usual partners in comedy, Superdigital, Patriots wide receiver Julian Edelman did it again in his recently released video short. Titled “Prime Tyme: The Salesperson,” Edelman stars in a fake promotion for Prime Motor Group, selling cars because he squandered all his NFL money on “these exotic haircuts and these stupid videos.”

“Here are the keys. Go, get as funny and creative and nasty as you can.”

And with the innovative digital marketers, Edelman produced another episode of deadpan comedy that caught the internet by happy surprise. BostInno recently caught up with Superdigital co-founder and creative director Assaf Swissa for further background on the latest in a long line of humorous Edelman videos.

For “Salesperson,” Edelman joined forces with David Rosenberg, the CEO of Prime Motors and a friend of the New England Super Bowl winner.

“He became friends with Julian years ago,” Swissa explained. “We all went to dinner in June and he said, ‘Let’s make a commercial.'”

Swissa, who has experienced a full spectrum of partners working with Edelman in their highly successful time together, was impressed with Rosenberg’s ability to let Superdigital dictate the video’s direction. Instead of tensing up at some of the exchanges (one of which is bleeped out), Rosenberg just let it run.

“What was amazing with David was he just said ‘go,'” Swissa noted. “He just said, ‘here are the keys,’ no pun intended, and just told us ‘Go, get as funny and creative and nasty as you can.’ And so we took it there.”

For Swissa and the thousands of viewers, being able to push beyond the predictable, “safe” jokes made all the difference.

“It’s cool that he let us get there,” Swissa said.

The video, which was filmed in July, was actually ready for release before Labor Day (when it was unveiled), but Swissa noted they didn’t want to “cloud the release schedule too much,” given that Edelman’s recap video from his trip to Israel (“Yalla!“) had also just been released.

Image via Superdigital