Despite last week’s loss, the Patriots still managed to give New England a truly memorable highlight in the form of a rare quarterback pass reception. Tom Brady caught a 36-yard pass, which was depressingly the longest for his team in the entire game (a 35-28 defeat to the Eagles).

And to mark the notable occasion, local toy company OYO Sports produced a video recreation of Brady’s highly unusual play. Using their sports toys, since they offer a Tom Brady figure, as well as the actual sound from the game, OYO created a sped up Vine of the play (since we know that Brady isn’t the swiftest).

It actually wasn’t Brady’s first career reception. Back in 2001, Kevin Faulk (naturally) tossed Brady a 23-yarder against the Dolphins.

Of course, being a Massachusetts company, OYO wisely declined to recreate the very next play of the Patriots-Eagles game…where Brady threw an interception.

Featured image via OYO Sports