On Thursday, the BostInno team will be taking over Dorchester Brewing Co. We already told you about our team that you will be meeting at the event. Now, we want to let you know what sweet local craft brews you will be able to order.

DBco. is a partner brewing facility, which means they provide the space for local small-to-medium breweries to produce, package, store, sell and market their products. Pretty cool, huh? DBco. also brews their own stuff, and has a long list of beers to show for it. Check out a few of the brews they will have to offer at Beers with the Beat. Also, don’t forget to grab a ticket for the event (we’re only offering 100). Your first round of the night is on Drizly!

What you will be Drinking?

Dorchester FestBier: Brewed by the DBco., it’s one of their featured Oktoberfest beers. It is brewed with Vienna and Pilsner malts with a nice malty sweetness. It is said to be well balanced by German Hallertauer Tradition hops with a long and satisfying finish.

Dorchesterweisse: Another DBco. featured Oktoberfest beer, this is a take on the Berliner style beer. With clean ale yeast it is slightly tart with a crackery wheat snap.

V1 Double IPA: This big-on-flavor brew is a fruit-forward choice with tons of citrus flavor. With an aroma heavy on Mosaic hops, it is overall a well balanced beer.

Latte Stout: A true testament to collaboration, this option is brewed with DBco. and Beanery Brewing Co. from Woodstock, VT. It is a beer made with coffee beans from Flight Coffee Co. that brings a tart berry flavor and dark chocolate notes. WHAT!? Beers and coffee … what more do you want?

Mass Ave. IPA: This one is fermented with DBco.’s ale yeast, and has a balanced sweetness from Munich malt making way for tropical and candy fruit notes in every sip.

Don’t worry … this is not all you will be tasting on Thursday. Make sure to grab your tickets to Beers with the Beat to check out the full Dorchester Brewing experience with our team. It’s an event you won’t want to miss.


Thank you to our Beers with the Beat Sponsors. 

If you are interested in sponsoring an event contact us!