via Buzzfeed

Three men were arrested in Cleveland, Ohio last night after women Amanda Berry, Georgina “Gina” DeJesus, and Michele Knight were found alive after having been missing for almost a decade .

All three women were teenagers at the time of their kidnapping, Berry being 17 in 2003, DeJusus 14 in 2002, and Knight 19 in 2002. The alleged suspect is 52-year old bus driver Ariel Castro. Both of this brothers, one 50-years old the other 54, are in custody as well. While the men sit in jail in a holding cell, the FBI is collecting evidence at their residence.

CNN reported the news last night describing a scene as something reminiscent of a low-budget ’80s slasher movie. Apparently, Castro’s neighbor Charles Ramsey heard bloodcurdling screams emanating from next door to find a distressed Amanda Berry. Upon her release, Berry promptly used Ramsey’s phone to dial the police.

“Help me, I am Amanda Berry,’ Berry told police in a frantic 911 call from a neighbor’s house. ‘I’ve been kidnapped, and I’ve been missing for 10 years. And I’m here, I’m free now.”

The women are now at Cleveland Metro Health Medical Center along with a fourth unidentified person. A witness, according to CNN, noted that Berry had a child in arms at the time of her escape suggesting that fourth person might be her child.

Castro formerly worked for the Cleveland Metro School District as a school bus driver for a number of years and actually took up residence for an equal amount of time in  the same neighborhood as victim Gina DeJesus and was actually cordial with her family.

CNN Noted that “Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson said there were ‘many unanswered questions regarding this case, and the investigation will be ongoing.’ But he added, ‘I am thankful that these three young ladies are found and alive.”

Unanswered questions? I’m more likely to understand the theory of relativity than this case. I can only, though wish I couldn’t, infer that Berry’s child was conceived by her at the hands of her assailant. How were these poor women not found before? How is only now that they were able to contact neighbors? How did Castro evade any police investigation since 2002? I’m hoping CNN ends this streak of inconsistent news that’s subsequently plagued the American populous since the tragic Boston Marathon bombings.

Stay tuned to BostInno for the latest updates regarding this Cleveland missing women case. Check out this video of hero Charles Ramsey as he gives his account of the entire incident.