Except for a single leaked photo at the end of April and a billboard spotted in an unknown location, Nokia has kept the details of its upcoming Lumia 928 pretty much under wraps. A two-page advertisement in Vanity Fair, however, offers the latest sneak peak of the latest installment in Nokia’s flagship smartphone line. As expected the Nokia Lumia 928 will boast its impressive PureView camera technology, though other specs currently remain the stuff of mystery.

Nokia has scheduled a large press event for May 14 in London, billing invitees to “see what’s next.” Its more probable than not that the Lumia 928 will be debuted at the event, likely appearing on retail shelves in time for the holiday season.

According to Engadget, which first posted the Vanity Fair ad,  “we can expect PureView goodness (though we’re guessing a-la 920, rather than the 808), plus a Carl Zeiss lens and Nokia’s proprietary OIS.”

There’s been no definitive word yet on specs. However, through leaked photos and rumors from inside sources, it appears as though the Lumia 928 could be equipped with a dual-core 1.5Ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, 2GB of Ram, 32GB of NAND flash memory, wireless charging, and a 4.5 inch display that has a resolution of 1280 x 768. The Lumia 928 will also likely run on Microsoft’s Windows Phone 8 OS.

Stay tuned to BostInno for the latest info about the Nokia Lumia 928. We’ll be sure to post updates on any leaked photos or specs asthey roll in. But what do you  avid readers and Lumia users think of Nokia’s smartphones? Are they worth adversaries to the likes of Apple’s iPhone series or Samsung’s Galaxy S series? Is the impressive camera technology enough to sway you away from Apple and Samsung to become the newest Nokia loyalist? Clue us in to your reviews, suggestions, questions, or comments concerning the Nokia Lumia 928 and other rival gadgets.

via @evleaks