Yahoo! this morning reported a surprise twist in the case of three kidnapped Ohio women allegedly at the hands of Ariel Castro. The man described by essentially every media outlet in the country as being absolutely despicable will plead not guilty to four charges of kidnapping and three charges of rape.

Craig Weintraub, one of Castro’s lawyers, told Cleveland’s WKYC-TV “The initial portrayal by the media has been one of a ‘monster’ and that’s not the impression that I got when I talked to him for three hours.”

This will undoubtedly be a hard pill for the American public to swallow after the gruesome details outlined by the captives (Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight) as well as evidence found in Castro’s home, point to the 52-year old Cleveland man as being guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Prosecutors have already noted that they will seek the death penalty.

The three women were detained by the alleged Castro for more than a decade and described instances of child birth in blow-up kiddie pools, heinous forced abortions, and repeated physical abuse.

DNA tests also proved that Castro fathered a child with Amanda Berry in 2006 and that child too has been under lock and key. But another of Castro’s lawyers, Jaye Schlachet, said “I can tell you that Mr. Castro is extremely committed to the well-being and positive future for his daughter, who he loves dearly. And if people find that to be a disconnect from what he’s alleged to have done, then the people will just have to deal with it. We just know how he feels about his little girl.”

Castro is being held in a Cuyahoga County Jail on an $8 million bond. His defense team indicated that they may seek a change in venue for the trial in order for it to be completely fair and unbiased.

As for how they intend to prove Castro is not guilty, lawyers say we’ll find that out “as the case progresses.”