via VentureBeat

A Taiwanese media outlet recently reported that Apple is supposedly testing 1.5-inch OLED displays for the fabled iWatch. Many hopefuls were expecting Google to unveil a smartwatch at its annual Google I/O earlier this month, but where Google has failed Apple is poised to carry the torch.

RiTdisplay is the alleged manufacturer and the same source indicates that Apple was initially testing a 1.8-inch display but opted for something a little more compact. The OLED screens use OGS touch sensors (“one glass solution”), which will theoretically help Apple keep the iWatch thin and light.

Apple’s production partner overseas Foxconn has reportedly put in an order for 1,000 of the smartblings for your wrist, though this is notably small suggesting Apple and Foxconn are gearing up for some kind of trial run before mass production.

Tim Cook has noted decisively in the past the Apple gadgets–including the iPhone 5S, iPad Mini 2, and next-generation iPad–won’t be consumer available until the fall of this year and into next year. Assuming Apple doesn’t have many kinks to work out after its 1,000 order trial run, it is possible that the iWatch could be released in line with its brethren products and hit the retail shelves sometime by the holiday season.

The problem with gossip like this, however, is that it’s a double-edged sword. It’s just as likely that we won’t see an iWatch for sometime as rumors have been floating around for quite some time and have even been perpetuated by Apple itself in order to curtail some of the limelight shed on rival smartwatches and competitors. Either way, we’ll be tracking iWatch rumors closely for we too are waiting on bated breath for an iWatch, or something similar.

But what do you all think of the possibility of an iWatch? Are you one of the 20% of consumers who would buy an iWatch on the spot without even a hint of what it does or looks like? What kind of operations and apps do you think it will feature?