This afternoon professional golfer Sergio Garcia issued his second apology for the racist remarks he made towards Tiger Woods at the European Tour players dinner Tuesday night. When asked about possibly getting together with Tiger at the U.S. Open Sergio responded with racist-wrapped joke, “We’ll have him ’round every night. We will serve fried chicken.” This second apology, one might say, puts Sergio behind Tiger 3-0 now after Tiger bested Sergio at the PLAYERS Championship two weeks ago.

According to ESPN, the two have been engaged in verbal sparring since Tiger won but today Sergio issued the following statement,

“I want to apologize to Tiger and anybody that I could have offended. I feel sick about it. I’m truly, truly sorry. And I hope we can kind of settle things down and hopefully move on.”

Supposedly, the feud stems from the third round of the PLAYERS Championship when Tiger pulled out a club during Sergio’s backswing, causing the crowd to make noise and distract him. Since then, neither golfer had apologized and only perpetuated the cat-fight with accusations of lying and whining.

Upon hearing Sergio’s tired but offensive remark, Tiger took to the Twittershpere to let everyone know that slurs like that don’t fly.

Even Sergio’s sponsors started feeling the heat from his idiotic slanders,

“Sergio Garcia’s recent comment was offensive and in no way aligns with TaylorMade-adidas Golf’s values and corporate culture. We have spoken with Sergio directly and he clearly has regret for his statement and we believe he is sincere. We discussed with Sergio that his comments are clearly out of bounds and we are continuing to review the matter.”

Hopefully this is the end of this little verbal melee. It’s certainly a sad day for the sport when one of its faces stoops to such a level, especially one as old-school as golf. Racial slurs, however mild and jestful they may have meant, are just another show of ignorance people, not just athletes, exhibit on a daily basis. This guy is supposed to be a role model for all youngsters, not just golf hopefuls and simply put he’s setting a poor example. Hopefully Sergio will learn from his mistakes after taking a media bashing and let his game do the talking.