What future technologies will truly transform our world and  our lives? What disruptive technologies are poised to bring significant change to the world? A report by The McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy, explores these questions as well as the challenges faced in realizing the benefits of these disruptive technologies.

The report focuses on 12 technologies that have the potential to be life changing for the world at large. Several of these technologies could, and I think will, positively impact the healthcare space – mobile, Internet, the cloud, knowledge management and 3D printing. There are 3 areas that have a natural healthcare connection:

  • Advanced robotics – think surgeries and options to restore mobility and function to our limbs and joints
  • Next-generation genomics – imagine better diagnostics matched to you personally, think new food sources
  • Advanced materials  – envision self-healing, self-cleaning skin, bandages, materials and new medicines

There are two downloadable reports – an executive summary and the full report – both are free. You’ll also find a downloadable slide deck that visually details the information. The economic stats included in both the reports and slide deck are truly eye opening.

Also included is a podcast of MGI’s Michael Chui discussing the most economically disruptive technologies that will transform business and life in next decade.

A wealth of information with significant positives for the healthcare industry. Where do you think these technologies will take us? We’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas.