Last week an Arizona woman was jailed in Mexico for allegedly trying to smuggle 12 pounds of marijuana across the border. Today, she is a free woman. Yanira Maldonado was detained after Mexican military searched the bus she was taking back to the U.S. and found the weed stashed under her seat but new video evidence released today proves that she was innocent, says CNN.

Maldonado’s case sparked widespread media attention after family members took to the airwaves to plead her case. Her husband Gary was terrified of losing Yanira in the unpredictable Mexican judicial system where prisoners are known to have been transferred from cell to cell without keeping much of a record of it.

CNN is reporting that the quality of her conditions in jail also improved as the media coverage increased, and in a press conference this morning in Arizona she thanked the media for spreading the word of her case.

Security camera footage revealed in Mexican court Thursday shows without a doubt that Maldonado and her husband boarded a bus in Mexico last week carrying nothing but a purse, two blankets, and two bottles of water. No ganja.

After being questioned by officers at the checkpoint some 90 miles from the borders, Gary noted that they initially asked for a bribe of $5,000 to let  Yanira free on the spot. When he refused to pony up, she was taken away. He then raised the money the next day but by then, it was too late.

Even though the court released her back to the good ol’ U.S of A, supposedly legal proceedings are not completely over. His wife’s attorney in Mexico, however, will take care of them in her absence.

Now that the case has been solved and Maldonado is home with her family, I want to know who put the weed under the random bus seat and why. Is it standard practice to try and frame someone at the border for a quick $5k? Will authorities try and track down whoever planted it there?