Thursday evening kicks off Interactive Day San Diego (IDSD), a digital marketing and technology event held here on the west coast. The speaker list is rather impressive and I’m ready for a Friday full of new ideas.

Who am I most looking forward to hearing speak at the conference? Hard to pick just one person, I’ll give you two… Rand Fishkin from MOZ and Wade Forst from Razorfish. I think they’ve both driven significant change and growth in their space and I’m interested to learn how they made that happen and what’s coming next. I’ll also admit that I love Rand’s title, Director of Emerging Experiences. You can’t get more ‘what’s coming next’ than that!

I work in pharma, much more conservative and highly regulated than the consumer space. Everything I hear on Friday won’t be directly transferable to my space. I’m looking for the pearls; those ideas that resonate in any industry and will help push pharma in a new direction – the direction of digital marketing.

Come Friday you’ll find me tweeting highlights from the conference, follow #IDSD, and gathering those pearls to share in an upcoming post.

To get you thinking digital pharma marketing, here’s a little reading material…

1. What is digital marketing: infographic

2. Digital Pharma Blog

3. Pharma’s Digital Health Strategy: Four Options

4. THE biggest challenge in pharma digital marketing

5. Pharma Content Marketing: Just Do It

Do you work in pharma? Do you have a digital marketing strategy in place? Thinking of implementing one? Let us know what you think of digital marketing use in pharma and healthcare overall.