I don’t know about you, but I certainly have a love/hate relationship when it comes to holiday gift shopping. Part of me loves choosing and buying gifts for others and the other part of me dreads this aspect of the holiday season like no other.

After all, if you’re going to put forth the effort and shell out cash on someone else, they better love (not just like) your present. But choosing the perfect Christmas gift – even for someone you know really well – can be a daunting task (to say the least). And sometimes the hardest people to shop for are the ones you see every day.

The trick is knowing exactly what that person (friend, family member, or significant other) really wants – but let’s face it, none of us are mind-readers. However, all of us – at one time or another – think with our stomach, which leads us to the one gift that will always be a crowd-pleaser: Food.

And just in case you’re shopping for a “foodie” this holiday season, we’ve got the perfect gift guide for you. Behold: Ten perfect gifts for your foodie friends, all found right here in Boston.