The temperatures may have reached the upper 70s over the weekend, but don’t be fooled by global warming. It’s late October and Halloween is just a week away. If you’re still struggling to put together a costume that’s fun, witty, clever, and also says you’re someone who is politically engaged and learned, look no further.

The presidential debates came to an end on Monday, and each debate this election season has seen motivation, inspiration, and an overtime pay check for fact checkers. Joe Biden laughed, Paul Ryan probably wanted to cry, and in the final two weeks leading up to the election, an ‘undecided voter’ is still something that exists. It’s easy to get worked up over impending decision that is the 2012 election, but it’s also pretty easy to get a Halloween get up out of it too. And that option is a lot more fun.

Here are the top ten 2012 political Halloween costumes, for leftists, and rightists, and everything in between-ists.

1. Unemployed Big Bird
Sure, you could go with “Sexy Big Bird,” but…wait, maybe you should go with Sexy Big Bird. But ever since Mitt Romney threatened to cut funding for PBS, Big Bird’s future is unclear. So find some yellow and orange, ruffle up your feathers in a homeless bird fashion, and wear a sign that says “Will Spell Words For Food.” Or “Can you tell me how to get to the Unemployment Office on Sesame Street?” You get the idea.

The “Sexy Unemployed Big Bird” option should be implied.

2. Joe Biden and Biker Friends (group costume)
Back in September, Joe Biden visited Cruisers Diner in Seaman, Ohio for a few photo ops in the most crucial swing state. One of the photos that surfaced from the occasion was so questionable and uncomfortable that it would naturally make a great group Halloween costume. Have one friend don Joe Biden-casual wear, and one lady friend outfitted as a biker chick, sidled up to Joe in a cozy manner. Two other male friends can also dress up as bikers, and sideways-stare at Joe and his biker lady’s PDA. Now hold that pose all night!

3. Texts from Hillary
Don’t feel like putting too much effort into your costume this year? Then dress up as Hillary Clinton texting on her Blackberry and looking like she’s totally over it. In order to imitate Hillary in the picture that launched the Tumblr, just flip out the ends of your hair in Hillary fashion, wear a pair of big sunglasses and a black pantsuit, and check your phone with mild disdain. If you’re looking to spend your Halloween as Mrs. Clinton but want to spice it up a bit, you could also go as Hillary partying in Colombia. Just take off your shades and suit jacket and let loose.

4. Clint Eastwood and a chair (for couples)
If you’re looking for a costume for you and your significant other that isn’t totally dorky, think about dressing up as Clint Eastwood and a chair. To embody Clint’s rambling rant at an empty chair back in August, have one of you dress up as a distinguished yet slightly unraveled Eastwood, and the other as a chair. Make a folding chair or carry around a real one. To make sure people get it, slap a picture of Obama on the chair’s back. Then engage in very one-sided arguments all night.

5. Munster Paul Ryan
Paul Ryan was recently profiled by the New York Times Magazine, and he told the writer that he used to get made fun of in school for his widow’s peak, and kids would call him Freddie Munster. That sounds to me like a Halloween costume begging to happen. Just draw an exaggerated Paul Ryan-esque widow’s peak on your forehead as well as thick black eyebrows, dress like Freddie Munster, and make your best Jim from The Office face all night.

6. Mitt Romney’s sons
All you and your four guy friends have to do is wear your best corporate casual and name tags, and do you best Mini-Mitt impressions. If you know someone dressing as Obama, be sure to circle around him a la Monday night’s debate, and have Tagg Romney threaten him often.

7. A binder full of women
This Mitt Romney gem took off on the Internet basically moments after he said it during the second debate. Whether you’re a one-woman binder (you could just attach a three-ring binder to the side of your shirt), or a binder full of them (hopefully you don’t mind hanging out with the same group of girls all night), you’re sure to get a lot of attention as one of the Massachusetts’ governors biggest missteps.

8. Drunk Uncle Joe Biden
Sport Biden’s best tan, pop a few buttons off your polo shirt, and have a blast. To you, Drunk Uncle Joe Biden, everything is hilarious. Make sure your teeth are white and sparkly, just like the VP’s, cause you’ll be grinnin’ and bearin’ em all night.

9. Civil War-era Soldier
During Monday night’s debate, horses and bayonets had their turn in the spotlight after Romney said that the Navy is smaller now than it was in 1916, because we have fewer ships. Obama retorted that we also have fewer horses and bayonets, so find yourself a toy horse and old-timey toy weapon, and act confused all night. Where’s your battalion?

10. The Undecided Voter
The enigmatic ‘undecided voter,’ spoofed on SNL, is truly a mystery. Play off the indecisiveness with mismatched political garb, half Republican red and half Democratic blue. Be sure to ask trivial questions all night while taking yourself very seriously. If you need inspiration, the SNL faux commercial has some great questions, like, “Who is the President now? Is he or she running?”