The fifth annual TD Mayor’s Cup race and ninth annual Hub on Wheels city-wide bike ride took place over the weekend, drawing cyclists of all levels to the city as part of a Boston Cycling Celebration.

Saturday’s TD Mayor’s Cup included separate kids’ and women’s events, in addition to the main race, where Luke Keough collected his second consecutive win while his brother, Jake, finished third. Shane Kline took second place.

Sunday’s Hub on Wheels event drew upwards of 5,000 participants, who braved early morning showers to ride 10, 30 or 50 mile routes — closing Storrow Drive in the process.

Boloco held an all-day “Block Party” for participants to hit up after biking.

Below are Instagram photos from the Boston Cycling Celebration


Sunday’s Hub on Wheels:

Woman with top-notch rain gear flanked by two Northeastern cyclists.












This time, bikes made the city congested.











Looks like a crucial checkpoint.












Team picture; Little League-style.












The Old State House: A symbol of hope for underdogs.












Blue skies. Paved roads. Can’t lose.












Get this crew some post-ride Boloco burritos.












Two more for the dogs, you guys.












Participants enjoying celebratory beers — as is tradition.












TD Mayor’s Cup:

They took the lead when they put on those shades.












Make way for the adults.












Some decided to leave the pack behind.












OVER THE LINE, red helmet.












Hope this guy was in the lead.












“I’m desperately underdressed.” – Cargo shorts and white shirt-guy












Header image from