The best sales leaders don’t get there by being lucky – throughout their careers, they consistently worked harder than their peers and listened to great advice from mentors and industry experts. To that end, one of the best industry experts we know and whose advice we regularly listen to is Kyle Porter, the CEO of SalesLoft.

Here are 20 of our favorite sales management tips from the man himself. Follow this advice to become – or stay – an amazing sales leader.

1. Be pleasantly persistent; be respectfully blunt. (Click to Tweet)

2. The greatest product your company has to offer is a well-informed employee. (Click to Tweet)

3. A smart salesperson listens to emotions, not facts. (Click to Tweet)

4. Get all your negatives on the table. Omitting the negatives is no longer a viable sales strategy. (Click to Tweet)

5. Objections are a gift. It’s the customer telling you something that will help you sell to them. (Click to Tweet)

6. Open a sales call with a smart question. (Click to Tweet)

7. Nothing gets sold until trust is established between the buyer and seller. (Click to Tweet)

8. Let your customers know that you prize referrals, which you’ll earn by providing excellent services. (Click to Tweet)

9. If you can make them laugh, you can make them buy. (Click to Tweet)

10. Do SOMETHING that makes you stand out. (Click to Tweet)

11. Identify which companies are growing – then sell to them! (Click to Tweet)

12. Delighting customers is knowing who they are and what they like. (Click to Tweet)

13. Communication and rapport never happen without an investment of time and research. (Click to Tweet)

14. Customers seldom buy unless they perceive they have options. (Click to Tweet)

15. Start small by sharing your knowledge of the industry, providing what’s best for the company, and staying in touch with them. (Click to Tweet)

16. Communicating deep product and industry knowledge helps navigate prospect objections best. (Click to Tweet)

17. Determining who will buy your product is arguably the most important step to great selling. (Click to Tweet)

18. A perfect demo tells a story, with a beginning, middle and end. The prospect is the hero, not you, and not your firm. (Click to Tweet)

19. Truth is the most persuasive form of marketing. (Click to Tweet)