It was 2 years ago today, March 28th 2011, that we here at InCrowd launched our first micro survey. I’ll admit we were nervous; our Crowd of healthcare professionals (HCPs) was small and untested. Would this work; would physicians respond to our micro surveys in real time? Would they use their smart devices to answer quickly?

To add to the uncertainty we asked an open-ended question…

In your area of clinical practice, what do you see as the most intriguing (positive or negative) treatment development of the past 12 months?

The response was amazing and fast; we were immediately struck by the thoughtful and detailed responses provided by the physicians. We queried Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists, infectious disease physicians and oncologists with that first micro survey. Of those who opted to answer via their mobile device and receive text notifications, 48% responded within one hour – InCrowd was off and running.

Fast-forward 730 days to March 28th 2013 and you’ll find tremendous growth along with a few important constants. Despite pressure to tack on a few more questions, we remain committed to our micro survey format. Why not give in and field standard online surveys? Our mission is to redefine the traditional market research timeline. Using our micro survey format we can provide real time market research data.

Our experience over these past 2 years also helps us better address the questions you’ve been asking about the InCrowd platform. Today I’ll let the data do the talking…

What does real time data look like?

Just like traditional data, you just get it faster. Let’s look at data from 50 oncologists who provided their feedback in less than 2 hours:

Cost-effectiveness data has biggest impact on MD recommendations for cancer treatments

How do we generate real time data?

Combine micro surveys along with our opt-in Crowd of screened and targeted healthcare professionals. Many of these HCPs have provided direct access to their smart devices, facilitating even faster response times. Why would a physician participate in real time market research? I’ll let these 300 physicians tell you why:

55% of MDs surveyed participate in real-time market research to stay informed & involved

How much data can you really get from a micro survey?

Let’s take a look at the multiple data points and different demographic cuts from 3 micro surveys we fielded during the presidential and vice-presidential debates… Again I’ll let the data speak for itself.

Physicians weigh in after first presidential debate
Top 5 reasons quality of health care has changed
MDs that watched presidential debate more positive on quality of care
Nearly 40% of MDs Surveyed Say Yes to Privatizing Medicare
If the election were today who would your doctor vote for?
Are different issues driving physician choice of a presidential candidate?
Does your doc think Medicare should be privatized – that depends
MDs and the Presidential Race
Who will your Doc vote for? [Infographic]

Those 3 micro surveys – each fielded in real time, within a couple hours of the presidential debates – yielded a significant amount of data points and demographic information.

Looking back over the past 2 years, the InCrowd platform has delivered over 53 thousand micro survey answers providing more than 235 thousand real time data points.

It’s been a busy couple of years and we’re just getting started bringing you data in real in real time.

What tools do you use to access immediate market feedback?
Do you utilize real time data in your marketing efforts?

Drop us line, we’d love to hear how your experience using real time data.