Jill Konrath is a respected sales strategist, speaker and author of such best-selling books on sales and sales management like “Snap Selling” and “Selling to Big Companies.” She will also be holding court at one of our most anticipated sessions from HubSpot’s INBOUND 2013 marketing and sales conference tomorrow afternoon. Konrath’s session, titled “From Interest to Investment: Fresh Strategies to Drive revenue,” is guaranteed to enthrall and enlighten the audience with great lessons, entertaining soundbites and brilliant takeaways. In fact, Konrath’s vast experience and fresh perspective on sales has produced a host of inspirational sales quotes throughout the course of her career.

In anticipation of her session tomorrow, we decided to put together our list of 20 of her best inspirational and motivational sales quotes. While we will undoubtedly have to update and add to this list after attending her session, here are our 20 favorite quotes from her…so far.

1. “To win more sales, stop selling!” – (Click to Tweet) 

2. “Most people don’t like the implications of intellectual superiority or elitism. They’re intimidated by the big words and won’t ask questions that might make them look stupid.” – (Click to Tweet) 

3. “I got lucky because I never gave up the search. Are you quitting to soon? Or are you willing to pursue luck with a vengeance too?” – (Click to Tweet) 

4. “To get bigger contracts, start smaller.” – (Click to Tweet) 

5. “Your products, services or solution are secondary to your knowledge, expertise and the difference you make for your customers.” – (Click to Tweet) 

6. “To make decisions easier, offer fewer options.” – (Click to Tweet) 

7. “As sellers, if we’re going to be successful landing the big ones, we need to expand our thinking about what’s possible.” – (Click to Tweet) 

8. “Ask your colleagues for help – early and often.” – (Click to Tweet) 

9. “Turns out the the ability to ask insightful, thought-provoking questions was the single biggest differentiator between top performers and average reps.” – (Click to Tweet) 

10. “A salesperson’s own failure to focus on key business drivers and priorities is the root cause of most sales failure.” – (Click to Tweet) 

11. “To be successful, it’s critical to tackle your fears. If you don’t, they become major obstacles that limit you.” – (Click to Tweet) 

12. “If you’re having trouble, it’s because you just don’t know how – yet!” – (Click to Tweet) 

13. “If no one ever gets back to you, it’s because you don’t know how to pique their curiosity.” – (Click to Tweet) 

14. “Ask for what you want, expect people to deliver and fully appreciate it when they do. But if they let you down, be clear on that too.” – (Click to Tweet) 

15. “Be persistent. Go after what you want and enjoy doing it.” – (Click to Tweet) 

16. “People really do want to help you – if you let them.” – (Click to Tweet) 

17. “Sometimes a change in perspective changes everything.” – (Click to Tweet) 

18. “Only hard work, authenticity, integrity and commitment get you there, but the results are game-changing.” – (Click to Tweet) 

19. “Think about the possibilities of pulling together your own group of sellers who call on the same decision-makers that you do.” – (Click to Tweet) 

20. “The best sellers in the world make it look so easy, but they’ve worked hard to get to that point. And truthfully, it’s worth it.” – (Click to Tweet)