One of my favorite aspects of Boston is that almost anywhere you turn, there’s a monument or memorial of historical significance. Massachusetts is pushing 400 years old, after all, so it comes as no surprise that some of these engaging artifacts are in better shape than others.

And while yes, even the most decrepitude landmarks are worthwhile in several respects, achievements in preservation are worth noting because of their dedication to sharing the same celebrated item with all of posterity.

That’s the idea behind the 2014 Boston Preservation Alliance Preservation Achievement Awards. Handed out yearly since 1988, the awards “honor outstanding achievements in historic preservation and compatible new construction in Boston,” according to the Preservation Alliance.

Though the awards ceremony won’t take place until October, the announcement of the winners came on Wednesday and each of the 10 awardees represent the diverse and various cultural influences that’ve left their mark on Boston throughout the last four centuries, and continue to subtly influence our cityscape and our daily lives.

Lending gravity to just how esteemed this award is, consider that The Lenox Hotel, Fenway Park, The Boston Athenaeum, Trinity Church, The Liberty Hotel, The Paramount Center, Atlantic Wharf and The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum have all taken it home.