Prepare for a Top Chef Thanksgiving, folks! Tonight, the popular Bravo TV show will transport viewers to Plimouth Plantation for some authentic Thanksgiving-themed Top Chef competition. Cheftestants will be cooking a Thanksgiving feast using methods and ingredients from the 1600’s.

The Top Chef judges will be joined by Chef Ken Oringer as well as a few local Mayflower descendants – including Chef Will Gilson of Puritan & Company and his father David Gilson, owner of The Herb Lyceum.

Chef Will Gilson

In celebration of their Top Chef debut, Chef Will Gilson will host folks at Puritan & Company for the second annual Harvest Dinner followed by a viewing of the Top Chef episode. His father David Gilson will host guests at his restaurant for a Top Chef Dinner Viewing Party tonight at 7:30 p.m.

Here, Will Gilson tells BostInno what to expect from tonight’s Top Chef episode.

What was your favorite thing about filming Top Chef at Plimouth Plantation?

I think for me it was just being there at that table with my Dad in a setting that I never could have imagined. We were there because we are Mayflower descendants and were guests rather than judges who had influence over the outcome of the competition. That was nice because we got to enjoy the day and not be worried about the stress of changing someone’s Top Chef destiny.

Any interesting hints you can give us about the upcoming Top Chef Thanksgiving episode?

I think viewers will be really impressed by importance of collaboration rather than competition on this episode. I think the judges will have a hard time deciding who to cut this go-around. There were a lot of rules around the competition regarding the time period of the setting. It made it really interesting to see how everyone was going to be able execute the food without the comforts of the modern kitchen we cook in today.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, how do you plan to spend the upcoming holiday?

My restaurant Puritan & Company turns two (years) this Thanksgiving. That’s a big milestone for restaurants, as many fail before that time. We are in a great place with great staff and amazing guests. We are going to throw a big party Thanksgiving eve with our restaurant family. Kind of like a homecoming of sorts for our staff, guests, friends and family. The next day I will get to be with my actual family … hopefully not cooking.

What can we expect at your Top Chef viewing party?

We are going to stay with the theme of the competition and serve a bunch of small “of the time period” bites. It actually falls on the same day as our annual Harvest dinner which is one of our busiest and favorite days here at the restaurant. It’s going to be a great, but busy day!

What’s next for you and your restaurant?

Puritan & Company is going to be busy this year. We are launching a tasting menu at our chefs counter, a weekly wine dinner series, and hopefully some interactive cooking classes. Stay tuned for info about all of those.

Check the Puritan & Company website and The Herb Lyceum website for more information on these two viewing parties happening tonight.

Images courtesy of Puritan & Co.