Today, there are almost an equal number of dating apps in the sea as the proverbial plenty of fish. (One of them, of course, is even called Plenty of Fish.) But one dating service, The Grade, focuses on weeding out the losers and abusers – the singles who use the anonymity barrier between phones to act, ahem, inappropriately.

Now, after months of “grading” singles based on how many times a user is “liked” on the app, how many times the user responds to a message and gets a response back, as well as the content of the user’s messages. Those who are found to be “unresponsive, inappropriate or undesirable” can receive the lowest grade – an F – and will then be deactivated from the service. In a Tinder world, this little feature is music to any single’s ears.

Since The Grade’s algorithms can determine the quality of a message’s content when it’s sent through the app, and track when users get most generous with their “likes” of other users, the service has released some telling, if
not expected, data. Nothing good ever happens after midnight.

The Grade’s data has shown that between the hours of midnight and 4 a.m., users both lower their standards and their message quality. The service analyzed nearly 500,000 swipes, and found that men will “like” 51.9 percent of women’s profiles during this time period, which is 9 percent more than usual. As for women, the study found that
female users will “like” men’s profiles 13.4 percent of time during these hours, which is an 28 percent increase from the usual.

The data also found that both men and women send their lowest-quality messages between 1 and 4 a.m. Fifty-seven percent more of men’s messages sent during this time contained inappropriate words or slang; for women, it was 48 percent more.

Since these messages can harm a user’s grade, the app has implemented a warning message between the hours of 1 a.m. and 4 a.m.: “Late night messaging can be hazardous to your grade.” But we’re assuming intoxicated users heed this advice as easily as they turn away an Uber ride when the surge pricing is 3x.

But at least when you turn to an expensive late night Uber, you’re helping yourself get a safe ride home. Drinking and online dating, however, can only do more harm than good.

Images via The Grade