
Memorial Day is around the corner, sunshine is followed by rain which is followed by sunshine, and I’m starting to sweat when I breathe.  Summer is almost here, and Drizly is here to help.  Not only are we going to keep you hydrated, but as BBQ party experts, we’re going to make sure you have the essential ingredients for barbeque infamy.

1.  Grilling Mapron

No, that is not an apron, it is a mapron.  I didn’t do a Google search to see if this has already been coined, and frankly don’t care, we just invented the word over here at Drizly headquarters and it’s going to stick.  This mapron is simply necessary, just look at it.  No more needs to be said besides one lucky Drizly user will receive that whole kit for free with their order this weekend.  I was so jealous of that person that I actually bought two, one for them and one for me.  We’re lucky people.

2.  Good Beer In Cans

No, not Bud, Coors, or Miller, I’m talking 21st AmendmentNewburyportLeinenkugal, and CiscoHere’s why:

21st Amendment
A) They taste great.  Beer super geeks are trying to say that the beer doesn’t taste as good out of a can as it does in a bottle.  They’re wrong, it’s awesome.  

B)  They don’t break.  You can’t break a can.  Well, I suppose you can, but that’s just dumb, you’ll cut yourself. 

C) It actually tastes more refreshing.  This one is intangible and somewhat illogical, but for some reason drinking beer out of a can on a sunny day as your fingers lose their grip on the condensation dripping down the side just makes you go “ahhhhh.”

3.  Kanjam aka “Sir May I Have Another”

There is almost an endless array of outside games that you could play this Memorial Day.  There are the classics like beer pong and flip cup, the overly athletic like Polish horseshoes and dizzy bat, and then the perfect combination that is Kanjam.  There is literally nothing sweeter than slamming the hell out of that Frisbee into that stupid little can while screaming “sir may I have another”.  Try it.  In fact, take a video or a Vine of you doing just that and tweet it @Drizlyinc and we’ll give you free deliveries for a month.  We’re only doing this because we want you to know what this feels like, we do it for the people.


But please, for the love of God, keep it to one hand.  Kanjam is not a two handed sport. Obviously, two handed slam submissions will not be considered.

Image Credit: Kanjam