This week we look at how 3D printing can help vaccines, big data’s role with cancer research, a new way to deliver chemotherapy drugs, baby boomers influence on cancer and Pharma gaining trust.

-The US Department of Defense has backed the “body on a chip” project.  BBC News, ‘Body on a Chip’ Uses 3D Printed Organs to Test Vaccines illustrates how the project uses human cells to print structures which mimic the functions of the heart, liver, lung and blood vessels.  This can be used to test the effectiveness of potential treatments. 

-Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the US and pharmaceutical companies spend $50 billion a year on research and development. An article on Hit Consultant explores how big data can enable a new understanding of the molecular biology of cancer. Cancer and Clinical Trials: the Role of Big Data in Personalizing the Health Experience explains how for Pharma researchers, designing more precise clinical trials can reduce drug development failures and costs. 

-Tiny particles, called nanodiamonds, are used to carry chemotherapy drugs directly to brain tumors in this treatment developed by UCLA’s Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. World Pharma News article, New System Uses Nanodiamonds to Deliver Chemotherapy Drugs, outlines a new method for cancer killing efficiency with fewer harmful side effects.  

-According to FiercePharma aging baby boomers are set to influence cancer drugs. Aging Population to Fuel Big Leap in Cancer Cases – and Drug Sales provides information on how the aging population is one reason oncology is a hot prospect for drugmakers. 

-Pharma is beginning to gain back industry trust according to an online survey. 51% polled said that if they developed a medical condition, and were diagnosed by their doctor, they would go to a Pharma company’s website to learn more about it. Pharma Fixed in Online Traffic Patterns, Despite Distrust: Survey from Medical Marketing & Mediagives the results of a survey and what it means for the Pharma industry.     

That wraps this week’s review of news from and for the pharma insight community. I’ll leave you with an invitation to learn more about the benefits of real time data  and offer you a personal demo of InCrowd’s on-demand platform providing you direct and immediate access to Crowds of screened and targeted healthcare professionals.

If you have tips, suggestions or resources you’d like to share leave us a note below and please feel free to suggest topics that you’d like to see covered in future posts.