It’s no secret that the holiday season is a critical time for retail businesses to kick up their marketing efforts. With consumers spending a total of $35.3 billion during the 2011 holiday months, a seasonal marketing campaign is an obvious strategy for retailers looking to increase their end of the year profits. Unfortunately this clarity does not always exist for other industries. The common misconception that only retail can benefit from holiday campaigns has led many businesses to miss out on these seasonal marketing opportunities. So before it’s too late, take a closer look at the facts and consider the following 4 reasons to get your marketing in the holiday spirit.

    1. Increased Email Open Rates: The holiday season is infamous for flooding consumer inboxes with email campaigns. What’s surprising is that despite the increase in volume, email open rates have been reported to improve during the fourth quarter. According to a report by Epsilon and the Direct Marketing Association’s Email Experience Council, average open rates during the 2011 holiday season increased 4.2% from the previous quarter. This provides an opportunity for your business to more effectively share content with key audiences and improve brand awareness. Make the most of the increased open rate by optimizing your holiday email marketing campaign with an intriguing subject line, engaging design, and personalized content.
    2. Lower Paid Search Costs: Many businesses increase their search marketing campaigns during the holidays in an effort to capture the traffic of online shoppers. As paid search trends up, the overall cost-per-click rate drops. “Look for CPCs to be less expensive this holiday season compared to the year before, despite increased competition,” says Aaron Goldman, CMO at digital marketing software company, Kenshoo. The drop in cost during the holiday season provides your business the opportunity to extend search marketing campaigns without exceeding your normal budget. Take advantage by testing out some seasonal keywords, launching a new landing page, or simply increasing your current campaigns.
    3. Mobile Targeting Opportunities: The trend toward mobile devices takes no time off for the holiday season. In the final months of 2011, 12% of visits to retail websites were made from a mobile device. Consumers are constantly using their phones during the holidays to compare prices, get product reviews, and make purchases. This trend not only serves as a key reminder for businesses to be mobile compliant but creates a great opportunity for mobile advertising. Depending on the goals of your business this may include dedicating an AdWords campaign to target solely mobile devices, incorporating the use of QR codes, or even launching an SMS campaign.
    4. Seasonal Media Coverage: According to Anthony Mora, founder of Los Angeles based public relations firm, Anthony Mora Communications, “the holiday season is one of the most effective times to launch a media relations and marketing campaign.” During the end of the year the media is often looking to publish community-oriented, feel-good stories. This may include coverage of a company’s unique holiday celebration, seasonal community service, or standout culture. Pitching your company’s happenings to local reporters during the holiday season can provide an effective means of generating end of the year buzz in order to attract new clients, customers, and employees.

Regardless of your industry, the holiday season holds many effective and engaging marketing opportunities. Whether you’re sending an email campaign or targeting mobile users, it’s about connecting with key audiences in casual, fun way. The holidays are a time to finish the year out strong and prepare for the New Year. Take advantage of the seasonal trends and get your marketing in the holiday spirit.