Highly trafficked content typically has a number of qualities. Some–like coverage of the situation in Syria–is universal in that it resonates with audiences all over the world. Other pieces are more evergreen–like solutions to common issues–and can be considered worthy of a read any time of year.

Here at BostInno, and at our DC-based sister Streetwise property InTheCapital, we like to localize. Our audiences consist of our cities’ smartest and savviest residents and professionals, and it’s our job to tell them what’s going on in their own backyards. The explosive adoption of mobile  combined with the increasingly competitive SEO landscape–hello localized search!–make an even stronger case for the undeniable fact that readers and consumers are looking for local. So don’t leave them hanging. Here are four top tips to localizing content to capture the attention of your audience, examples and all.

1. Invite the opinion of area experts.

Drafting a piece of content that covers a major industry event or announcement? Even if it’s on the other side of the word, featuring the thought leadership of local industry experts will make it more relevant to your audience at home. And, unless you are an expert in that particular industry as well, it will make your content better.

Case in point: The Best of Boston’s Advertising World Weigh in on Publicis-Omnicom Merger.

2. Leverage events.

Never miss out on the chance to highlight local community events, whether you’re hosting, participating, or attending. Also remember that fun and creative content is key to promoting such events. Ensuring this content is shared before (reasons to attend), during (get social!), and after (photos and recaps) bring everything full circle and keep your brand top of mind.

Case in point: BostInno’s Happy Hour Athlete content series and event. P.S. Grab your rookie pass now and we’ll see you September 24th!

3. Promote across a variety of social networks.

As obvious as the tactic seems, you wouldn’t believe how many organizations fail to engage their local audience across multiple mediums. Sharing content with a variety of followers and fans across multiple social channels ensures maximum exposure while reinforcing your authority and relevance.

Case in point: 7 Tips to Effectively Share Content.

4. Feature local establishments and members of your community.

Think about what’s hot in search and take it to the next level. Resource posts–whether they highlight local people to follow, blogs to read, or brands to buy–are a hit when they coincide with an audience’s calendar.

Case in point: 10 Must-Folow Boston Retailers for Back to School Style.

Interested in engaging a local community? Learn more about Channels.