Well, here we go again.  We went to sleep last night mocking the world for overhyping Saturn, and we wake up in the morning to see that Saturn is mocking us.  Snow is everywhere, and it’s not stopping.  Boston is expected to get another 6-8 inches by 8pm tonight. Here are 5 apps to help Bostonians cope with Nemo 2.0.

Seamless makes the annoying phone calls and awkward “can I have your credit card number” requests vanish when ordering food delivery. Simply download the app, pick from one of the awesome restaurants around you, order something delicious, and it will show up at your door in no time.

Boom, you’re fed.

Insomia Cookies
Ok, fine, this isn’t an app, but worth a mention nonetheless. Insomnia Cookies are the best cookies in the world. Plain and simple. What’s better? They deliver, and they deliver late into the night. Go to their site, enter your zip code, pick which insanely-fall-over-holy-crap that was good cookie(s) you want, and you’ll be in cookie heaven in less than an hour.  Take our advice, you need the cookie cake.  You need it.  Two of those bad boys got us through Nemo 1.0.

Boom, you’re fat and happy.

By now, Uber is a household name. If your stuck without a ride, download the app, let it find where you are, and request a taxi, black car, or ride in style with an SUV. No cash exchanges hands, and the tip is included.

Boom, you’re going places.

Drizly allows 21+ users to download their app, add their favorite beer, wine, or liquor to their order, and watch as their booze comes to them.  They are in Private Alpha in Boston, so get it while it’s hot.  If you don’t know, now you know.

Boom, you’re partying.

Shots iGot
Potentially the most helpful of all, Shots iGot makes sure that while your Drizly order keeps you warm, it doesn’t put you to sleep. Users select the container their fine liquor is in, how much is in it, and the app notifies the user how many drinks they’ll ingest if they drink the whole thing.

Boom, you’re partying responsibly.