The Husky Startup Challenge is a program run by the Entrepreneurs Club and through a series of Saturday bootcamp, networking events and a final Demo Day, participants in the Husky Startup Challenge hack businesses together throughout the semester. It is an opportunity to learn the ins and outs of starting a business and potentially win money!

Meet IDEA at DEMO Day: IDEA will have a table at Demo Day to provide information for ventures, students and industry professionals. It is a great opportunity to get to know the IDEA management team, ways of getting involved and learn which Demo Day ventures join IDEA!

Prizes will be given out! Ultimately, the ventures are competing for prizes. There are a wide range of prizes given out on Demo Day, from the grand prize of $2,000 for the first place to $500 for the audience favorite. Ventures who win prizes put their money toward prototyping and paying for a website launch.

Meet potential IDEA venture: Many ventures that have competed in Demo Day move on to join IDEA. These ventures have applied for Gap funding and even applied to MassChallenge. Demo Day is a great opportunity to check out some of the up-and-coming startups at Northeastern and talk to the minds behind the next generation of innovation!

Hear some great presenters: Demo Day also showcases presenters from Northeastern and the surrounding community. These professionals spend time judging different ventures, presenting each of the awards and offering their professional insights.

Ventures that have joined IDEA from past Demo Days: Coffee Bar – Competed in DEMO day last Spring and won the “Audience Favorite” prize, awarding them $500. – An educational box for children, focusing on the use of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), came in second place last spring, winning $1,250.

Dash – A motorized skateboard startup that won first place last fall, raked in a $2,000 prize to further develop his idea.

All of these ventures started in the Husky Startup Challenge and the joined IDEA.


Don’t forget to check out the startups this coming Monday at Demo Day, and register online!