Doing something without the aid of experts or professionals, DIY or do-it-yourself, is a current trend across many different industries. I did a quick Google search on the topic, narrowing it down to our space of market intelligence and business research. The results speak for themselves.

Why has DIY become such a hot topic within the research community? Talking with customers and industry experts a few reasons seem to resonate…

  • Potential cost savings
  • Speed and flexibility
  • Security of proprietary data
  • Complete knowledge of research needs

As a company providing market intelligence tools to support your daily business decisions we think DIY not only makes sense but adds value.

5 Reasons DIY is a Value Add in the Pharmaceutical Industry

  1. DIY offers immediate clarity on internal business issues and questions; providing actionable insights. Breaking from the traditional: gaining actionable customer insights shares a real world case study.
  2. Need to know what’s happening in your market – today? Run a quick competitive analysis with your target audience.
  3. Nothing is lost in translation, you know your company and needs better than anyone else. You’re the expert in 3 benefits if do-it-yourself research.
  4. Have a strategy meeting this coming Friday? Need to be prepared with business intelligence to share during the meeting? Run a DIY study; get immediate market feedback from your target audience.
  5. Run an agile product launch. Query physicians within hours of initial product detailing, immediately inform the launch process. 

DIY is synonymous with agile. DIY market intelligence allows you to quickly understand and react to your market and customers. At InCrowd we understand the importance of being agile and the need to easily access market information to support daily business decisions.

With this in mind, InCrowd will soon offer a completely DIY market intelligence tool. We’re putting you in the role of expert. You know your company and business better than anyone else, this is your opportunity to quickly and directly ask the questions you need answered.

Watch for an InCrowd product announcement in the coming days, and follow us on Twitter @InCrowdNow to stay up to date with the latest InCrowd news.