Within the first 3 seconds of visiting your website, a user will make the decision to stay or leave and continue their search. That’s right, just 3 seconds. In this short amount of time a visitor will place judgment on your brand and form their opinion of your business based entirely on their experience with your website. While you may think that 3 seconds is too short to cause any real damage, many features have proven otherwise. Check out our list of the 5 most common ways to chase away website visitors:

1. Slow Load Time – A slow loading website can frustrate users before they even have the chance to find out who you are. Strangeloop Networks, a Canadian web performance company, recently reported that 57% of online consumers will abandon a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds for a page to load. Of those who do leave, 80% are reported to never again return. Make sure that your website loads quickly by avoiding large images and oversized files. It’s important to test load time across all browsers as well desktop, tablet, and mobile devices to assure a positive experience for all visitors.

2. Unclear Purpose – People visiting your website are not looking to solve a puzzle. They want to know who you are and what you do as quickly as possible. Your website should provide users with this information in a clear, consumable manner. Visitors to your homepage should be able to form a general understanding of your business without having to look around or uncover any additional details. Avoid using industry jargon to assure that you are communicating your purpose with simple messaging that all users will be able to understand.

3. Too Much Information – With just 3 seconds to initially showcase your value, many websites make the mistake of trying to cram too much of information on each page. This leads to an overwhelming user experience with no clear focal point or direction. Instead, utilizing the power of white space provides a more effective strategy to draw users in. Create each page with a specific purpose that includes only content pertaining to such. The result will be a much more focused, consumable online presence.

4. Lack of Brand Story – You website is an opportunity to distinguish your brand from competition. Prospects are looking for a reason to do business with you and want to know what sets you apart. Let your website reflect your organization’s mission, approach, and key differentiators. If you are the area’s largest supplier or most award winning firm, make your users aware.

5. Confusing Navigation – Little is more frustrating to users than arriving at a website only to have no clear sense of direction for where to go. Complicated or inconsistent navigation leads to a negative user experience and likely a missed opportunity to connect with users. Make it easy for website visitors to find what they are looking for with an intuitive navigation structure. Menus and buttons should be easy to find and have a clear function.

As I like to say, a visitor comes to your website with three questions; Am I at the right place, what do I do, and where do I go? By making sure your site quickly and clearly answers these questions, you will position your website to effectively engage users and set the foundation to achieve greater online goals. Make the most of 3 seconds. Empower your website to deliver a positive first impression.