According to a survey conducted by mobile ad network Mojiva, over 60 percent of consumers report clicking on a mobile advertisement at least once a week.

This data point was one of many included in a report put out by the company called Mojiva’s Mobile Audience Guide, co-authored with research firm InsightExpress. While only 100 users were surveyed, other stats included in the report:

  • When seeing an ad on their mobile phone, 50 percent of users said they would play a game, download an app, or visit a Website. This compares to 40 percent who report being willing to download a coupon, and only 22 percent saying they would make a purchase.
  • 85 percent of the survey base reported that the type of ads they would be most apt to pay attention to are graphic ads, including ‘normal banner ads,’ ‘video ads,’ ‘ads that let me interact with them,’ or ‘animated banner ads.’ Text-based ads on the other hand were only reported to be interested by 13 percent of users, with just 2 percent of users reporting they would pay attention to an ad that expanded and took over their entire screen (who likes interstial ads anyway?).
  • The survey base revealed that the least effective mobile ads were those related to magazines, social/dating, airlines, traffic and banking.

“This month’s MAG confirms that mobile marketing performs well when it lines up the services and products that affect people on an everyday basis – what to buy, where to eat, how my team played last night,” said Tony Nethercutt, General Manager of Mojiva.  “In the upfront season, we’re seeing that mobile advertising is part of the conversation for major national brand advertising. Marketers need to keep in mind the customization of messages on mobile devices to better match what people want in their everyday lives.”

Mojiva launched in mid 2008 and has $10M in venture financing. It has branded itself as “The World’s Premier Mobile Ad Network.” This ad network reaches more than 100 million users in the US and represents more than 3,000 mobile publishers and apps. It is based in NYC, and also has offices in LA, Seattle, San Francisco and London.