Not everyone is in desperate pursuit of love and approval. There are companies out there that couldn’t care less about having their brand embraced by the general public. If you’re not one of them, and you actually want to impress prospects and customers alike, this roundup of unlovable marketing tactics is not for you. But if you want people to hate your marketing, or just want to make sure you’re not unknowingly ticking people off, keep reading. 1. OK, to start off, you should run those incredibly annoying pre-roll videos. People like choice, so deliver the exact opposite. via tumblr 2. And play music automatically on your website. Just like MySpace! via tumblr 3. Definitely send emails to people who didn’t opt-in. The more the better. via tumblr 4. Or just call prospects completely out of the blue. It’s the old-fashioned way of catching people off-guard and getting them to hate you. via tumblr 5. Make sure you tweet every five seconds. Just to be absolutely positive your social stream is extra-aggravating. via tumblr 6. Or act like a car salesman on social media. Don’t stop at Twitter. Cover all bases with the same tired message: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Quora, and anything else you can think of. via tumblr 7. You should completely ignore your customers. Don’t respond to any tweets or Facebook comments. Master the game of hard-to-get. via tumblr 8. Last but not least: Create irrelevant, stupid content. Not applicable to your audience? Then don’t forget to post and promote it through email and social channels! via tumblr Want to create marketing that people love? Contact to learn about custom content, enhanced Channels, and more.