Full disclosure: we’re huge fans of the Salesforce AppExchange. The Salesforce.com marketplace of business applications and consulting partners is literally chock-full of great applications and add-ons to serve any and all business needs. We have several great (free!) apps of our own up on the AppExchange, including a Sales Leaderboard, a Sales Funnel and a Lead Report.

But we’re not here to talk about ourselves! There are SO MANY other great applications available, many of which our own sales reps and managers use in their day-to-day jobs. We wanted to highlight some of these great apps and give them their deserved due, for boosting productivity for sales reps around the world.

Without further ado, here are 9 great productivity apps available on the Salesforce AppExchange that – without exaggeration – can actually change your life.

1) Former positions

Prospects and champions change jobs frequently, making it hard for sales reps to track the contacts they’ve been having conversations with. This app tracks changes to a contact’s Account and Title, allowing reps to easily follow their career moves. This app is also a boon to data quality – no longer will old or inactive contacts be floating around your Salesforce.com instance, since they can be identified imediately.

Cost of App: Free!

2) Distribution Engine

How can you seamlessly and equitably distribute incoming inbound and marketing-generated leads to your sales reps for them to call? With Distribution Engine, very easily! You can easily configure and customize the rules on this app to distribute your leads in any way you want; either a round robin system so that everyone gets a fair shake, a weighted lead system for reps with higher quotas or any other system. Your reps will greatly appreciate the simplicity and fairness that comes with this app.

Cost of App: $25 per user per month

3) LinkedIn Integration by Ecquire Inc.

LinkedIn has become one of the most important battlefields in today’s sales climate, which means your reps need to be dialed in, to take advantage of the social selling potential in this network. This app easily integrates your LinkedIn profile with Salesforce.com to capture and import LinkedIn profiles, while also logging all activities to the right contact, account or opportunity.

Cost of App: $19 per user per month

4) Drag, Drop and Upload

Sales reps have more documents to deal with than ever before – everything from legal documents and contracts to marketing collateral are a part of their daily routine. How can you sort through these documents and have them all ready to use at your Salesforce fingertips? With this simple document management app that – as the name suggests – lets you drag and drop multiple files for instant upload into Salesforce.com.

Cost of App: Free!

5) GoToMeeting Integration

Face-to-face sales are increasingly a thing of the past, which means that most sales meetings take place online. With the GoToMeeting integration for Salesforce.com, you can instantly launch meetings with just one click straight from your Salesforce.com contact screen. You can also easily schedule new meetings and email leads or contacts as needed.

Cost of App: Free!

6) ScanBizCards Enterprise

Events are great opportunities for lead generation, but someone’s got to enter the information on all those business cards you collected into Salesforce.com. But wait! With ScanBizCards Enterprise, manual data entry no longer has to be such a big time-suck that it currently is. The app creates actionable information within your address book from the business cards you collect and exports that information into Salesforce.com.

Cost of App: $10 per user per month

7) Local Time

Are your customers and prospects located not only across the United States, but all around the world? Do you find yourself always trying to figure out what time zone they’re in, to make sure you’re not calling prospects just as they’re waking up or going to bed? Then Local Time is the app for you! Instant access to your prospect’s local time from Accounts, Leads, Contacts and Opportunities page is a huge time saver.

Cost of App: $20 per company per month

8) MyDay

If your sales are growing the way you want them to, your reps are probably incredibly busy all day every day. Help them get organized with their most important Salesforce tasks and to-do’s by using MyDay. This modern and user-friendly interface easily cross items off your to-do list, bulk actions to complete or delete, and sort by the right categories.

Cost of App: $7 per user per month

9) Quote of the Day!

During a sales slump, spirits can sink and motivation can be hard to find. When that happens, you’ll be amazed at how much a Quote of the Day can help lift spirits. It might sound cheesy, but a gentle reminder that everything will be ok can work wonders, and get your reps refocused on hitting their goals.

Cost of App: Free