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 “A friend of mine keeps meeting girls on the T and going on dates with them (I know it’s kinda crazy, but whatever works, right?)” – Matt

It’s no secret that Boston happens to be a great city for singles. From students to young professionals, there’s no shortage of twenty and thirty-somethings mingling throughout the city. But sometimes – especially with Valentine’s Day approaching – it seems like everyone around us is happily coupled off.

Enter Matt (above). Matt is a young professional living and working in the Boston-area. The mid-twenties, skiing and hockey enthusiast also happens to be single and looking. Here, the eligible bachelor gives BostInno the truth about what it’s like to be single in the Hub.

Marian White: What’s on the top of your to-do list right now?

Matt: I’m training for a half marathon and the Tough Mudder, so I’m one of those insane people running outside in this 10-degree weather. I also just moved to a new position in my company with a little more responsibility, so I’m focused on learning the ropes and improving.

And finally, I am also trying to meet as many new people as I can, both for a relationship and just to be friends. You can never have too many friends, right?

What is the worst date and best date you’ve been on in Boston?

The worst date was when I decided to ask a girl to go to the movies (because there is no better way to get to know someone than by sitting in the dark and not talking to them for two hours, right?). To make matters worse, on my way to pick her up I got a text saying “just to let you know, I am wearing sweatpants. Hope that’s okay.”

I mean, at least she warned me, right? The movie had a lot of muscle cars in it, which she was really into. Me … not so much. She tried to talk “shop” with me and I was pretty sure she was speaking another language. Let’s just say there was no goodnight kiss.

The best date I went on was at a bar in Brookline, and it was really just because the girl and I really hit it off. We had a lot in common and talked for hours. We ended up just becoming friends, but the low-key vibe of it made it a lot of fun and I am okay that it didn’t turn into anything romantic.

Where are your top five date spots in Boston?

1. Because it is winter, The Frog Pond

2. Live Band Karaoke at The Lansdowne Pub

3. Ice cream at JP Licks

4. A Red Sox game

5. Howl at the Moon for Happy Hour

How do you plan to spend your Valentine’s Day?

This will be the first time in a while I am single on Valentine’s Day, so I won’t be doing anything too romantic. Instead, my family planned a ski trip to Maine for that weekend. I’m looking forward to spending some quality time reading Curious George with a very special gal – my 4-year-old niece. I think she’ll be my best Valentine yet.

How do you leverage social media for dating during your daily life?

I am not ashamed to say that I’ve been trying online dating (Match and Coffee Meets Bagel). Once you get past the awkward stage of sending the initial email and actually talking to the person, it gets much better.

In terms of Facebook or Twitter, etc., I don’t really use those much for dating since I am interested in meeting new people. If I am set up with someone, I may check out their social media accounts to learn a little more about them. The more prepared you are the better the date is in a lot of cases, but I do stop myself before it enters stalker territory…

Any Boston bars or lesser known places where you recommend finding single ladies?

I have actually never been big on meeting a random girl at a bar, because you just don’t know anyone’s situation. Meeting people at house parties is better because you usually have mutual friends which always helps.

Also, a friend of mine keeps meeting girls on the T and going on dates with them (I know it’s kinda crazy, but whatever works, right?). You really just need to always be friendly and keep your options (and your eyes) open.

There was a recent study that ranked Boston as the No. 1 city in the nation for singles. Do you agree?

I definitely think Boston is a great place to meet people. There are plenty of graduate students, and when people graduate from undergrad they tend to stick around. Plus, more and more young professionals are moving here for jobs. I’d say I have had pretty decent luck so far.

What daily mantra or words of wisdom do you have for other single Boston men?

It’s all about having confidence. You are going to get a lot of no’s before you get some yes’s – so just don’t give up.

[Related: A Day in the Life of a Single Girl in Boston]