“A Day in the Life” is a series where we’ll profile a variety of residents to get an intimate glimpse into their day-to-day. These are your neighbors. Get to know them.

How many times in the last year have you eaten at Legal Sea Foods? If you’re like me – probably way too much or not enough (depending on how you look at it). Whether it’s a quick bite at Boston’s Logan Airport or a family celebration over oysters and champagne at Legal Harborside, I’m not embarrassed to admit my love of all things Legal. Which is why I decided to interview the man behind the company, Roger Berkowitz.

What I found was a hard-working visionary whose dedication led to the growth and diversification of Legal Sea Foods. Thanks to hard work and a clear understanding of the business, Berkowitz has now been president and CEO of the company since 1992. And since Legal Sea Foods is without question a household name in Boston (and across the country), I think it’s about time we also familiarize ourselves with Roger Berkowitz.

Want to know to what he’s doing today? Here, his highs, his lows, and everything in between — the honest truth.

Marian White: How do you spend most mornings?

Roger Berkowitz: First thing in the morning, I review sales and recaps from the previous day and I check email. Upon arrival to the office, I touch base with various teams (culinary, beverage, operations, marketing, finance, etc.) to see what issues may have popped up and what projects are being worked on. And then I attend to nagging paperwork for different licenses and permits.

What are the top priorities on your to-do list right now?

I’m focused on growing our retail/wholesale business, solidifying long-term seafood sourcing and driving new restaurant openings.

What is the worst part and the best part about your typical day?

I thrive on the constant variety that occurs throughout the day. Each day is different and things fluctuate on almost an hourly basis. I never have to limit my focus to just one thing. On the flip side, the fish and restaurant business is labor intensive, tension-ridden and frustrating at times. But that makes it exciting. So both parts in tandem are great.

What would you do if you were suddenly granted a day off from work tomorrow?

It depends on what mood I’m in. If I’m pensive, then I’ll meditate and relax.  But if I’m energized and in a mood to get inspired, then I’ll sightsee in the restaurant and food business sectors.

What’s one TV show you can’t live without right now?

That’s tough. If I had to pick one between Homeland, Ray Donovan, Boardwalk Empire and Breaking Bad, I’d have to go with Boardwalk Empire. I like the storylines and the characters are great. I think Steve Buscemi is one of the great all-time character actors.

If you weren’t answering my questions, what would you be doing instead?

Well, my assistant just asked me to sign some papers.

 If you had to choose one dish to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Grey sole. I’d have it prepared different ways so I wasn’t eating the exact same thing every day. But, to me, grey sole is the perfect fish.


Think you have an interesting day-to-day life or know someone who does? Send an email to marian@americaninno.com/boston and let us know!

Image via Boston Business Journal.