If you live in Southie – or, really, the Boston area in general – there’s a good chance you know Maureen Dahill (even if you think you don’t). The busy mother of three also happens to be the editor and founder of the website, “Caught in Southie,” a popular blog dedicated to South Boston. Dahill is a fourth generation South Boston resident with a ridiculous amount of inside knowledge about the Southie neighborhood and its happenings.

Her passion for her Southie neighborhood is undoubtedly a family affair. The editor shared with us that she owes her “instinctual pride for South Boston” to her father, whose love of the neighborhood has influenced her own dedication to Southie – as shown through her blog. Here’s how Boston blogger and editor Maureen Dahill spends her typical day.

How do you spend most mornings?

I get up early, make a cup of coffee, write a to-do list, read twitter, head to the barre class at C2 pilates, come back home, get my kids ready for school and drop them off. Stop and get a large iced coffee at the Java house and then head home to work. I also spend a crazy amount of time on twitter.

What are the top priorities on your to-do list right now?

Writing stories about our newest Character of the Month, a new consignment boutique that just opened up in Southie called Covet.

What do you love most about your job and your neighborhood?

I love what I do so I don’t really consider it a job. Castle Island is one of the most special places and it’s right down the street. It’s the perfect spot to walk or go for a run. Also Sully’s at Castle Island is a right of passage – you have to eat your weight in Sully’s hot dogs if you grow up in Southie.

Another great thing about Southie is its quirkiness. We have unofficial rules about things like double-parking and saving spots during a snowstorm. Love or hate those rules, I think that adds to the charm of Southie.

What is the worst part and the best part about your typical day?

The worst part is that sometimes there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done. The best part is there is always something to write about in Southie and always some sort of  controversy brewing. Whether it’s over bike lanes, the parking crisis, the locals vs. “yuppies” saga – there is always a story to report.

If you could impart one piece of advice to our readers, what would it be?

Enjoy your life. Do what you love, be with people you love and everything else will sort of just fall into place. Don’t waste energy worrying.

What would you do if you were suddenly granted a day off from work tomorrow?

I would probably go get a facial by Christine at Nurture and have lunch with my husband somewhere in Southie like the Playwright or the Paramount. But I have to admit there would probably be an overwhelming urge to write about my experience and report it back to my Caught in Southie readers.

What’s one TV show you can’t live without right now?

I love “Boardwalk Empire” (I should have been living in that era) and am also hooked on watching old episodes of the “Sopranos.”

If you weren’t answering my questions, what would you be doing instead?

I would most likely be writing or tweeting. It’s amazing how much time can go by on Twitter.