“A Day in the Life” is a series where we’ll profile a variety of residents to get an intimate glimpse into their day-to-day. These are your neighbors. Get to know them.

Anyone who commutes to work in Boston can tell you that the MBTA and commuter rails aren’t always a joy ride. But it’s a necessary evil – how else could we live and work in different places? However, most of us would probably admit that any commute over an hour is a bit extreme. Which is exactly why Meredith Duhaime, a Junior Associate at PAN Communications, finally decided to make the leap and find a Boston apartment.

The 24-year-old PR professional has been busy navigating the MBTA rails for the past year. But commuting from an hour away into the city each morning is no easy feat. Here, the busy young professional tells BostInno why she, like so many others, will be moving closer to Boston this fall.

How do you spend most mornings?

I am in no way a morning person so the first thing I need to do is drink coffee. Mornings can be hectic with traffic but coffee is the one thing I always plan for. I usually drive to the Wellington T stop (40 min) and take the T from there where I’ll catch up on the news on my way into work. The weekends are a lot more relaxed and I like to spend the morning enjoying my coffee and going for a run either by myself or with a friend.

What are the top priorities on your to-do list right now?

Since I have been commuting every day for about an hour outside of Boston the top priority on my to-do list right now is to sign my lease for September and get that in the mail this week. Ever since I moved out of Back Bay after grad school, I have been so picky on finding an apartment I actually like with normal people. While Craigslist is popular and certainly works, I actually ended up finding my apartment through friends. It’s a great place in a perfect location, with amazing people!

What is the best part and the worst part about your day?

The worst part is riding the T, especially in the summer. As lame as it sounds, during the week the best part is being able to spend time at work with my co-workers who are some of the most knowledgeable people in PR and watch them handle different situations. The best part of my day on the weekends is being able to unwind with friends with a few drinks recapping the past week.

What are you most looking forward to about moving?

I am most excited about being close to the city where I can hop on the T and not have to worry about transportation. I spend the majority of my time here in Boston so it will be nice to catch up on some sleep and be able to take advantage of the bars and new restaurants!

Where are your favorite places to eat and drink around town?

Not sure if I would say I had a favorite place – right now my go-to places are The Landing and Tia’s just because they are so close to work and they are both outside. Or in the Seaport, basically anything by the water.

If you could impart one piece of advice to our readers, what would it be?

Don’t take life too seriously, just go with the flow. Planning is great and all, but over the past year some of the best and most unexpected things have happened when I wasn’t planning for them – like finding my ideal apartment.

What would you do if you were suddenly granted a day off from work tomorrow?

Get a group of friends to take the day off and have a great day lounging at the beach or by the pool.

If you weren’t answering my questions, what would you be doing instead?

Answering emails and/or working on weekly reports.