Siri can help you find a lot of things: a shoe store, a gas station, the nearest Italian restaurant.

Now it seems she has at least once brainstormed the best places to hide a body.

Pedro Bravo, 20, is on trial for the murder of his roommate, Christian Aguilar, 18, in September 2012. Bravo allegedly kidnapped and strangled Aguilar when they were roommates at the University of Florida in Gainesville in a fight over Bravo’s ex-girlfriend, Erika Friman, according to the UK’s Daily Mail.

Bravo’s phone records were just presented to a jury this July. Detective Matt Goeckel from the Gainesville Police Department said in 2012 that Bravo had allegedly told Siri,”I need to hide my roommate.” Siri helpfully replied with, “What kind of place are you looking for? Swamps. Reservoirs. Metal foundries. Dumps.”

Bravo, for his part, reportedly opted for some nearby woods.

This search query, and the phone’s GPS information the night of Aguilar’s disappearance, seem to shatter Bravo’s alibi. It probably doesn’t help either that he apparently used the phone’s flashlight nine times in less than an hour during the night of the incident.

Today, Gizmodo reports that answering “I need to hide a body” used to be a built in jest of Siri’s.

One particularly bold BostInno staffer (who will remain anonymous) posed the question to his iPhone today. True to form – as you can see pictured at left – Siri no longer falls for the bait.