Last night the former child star was arrested on charges of tampering with evidence, reckless endangerment, and criminal possession of marijuana after letting a perfectly usable bong slip through her fingers and pummel to the streets of the Big Apple.

People might have been willing to give Amanda Bynes the benefit of the doubt after her first two car accidents, a DUI, and the downright creepy tweets and photos that she posts online, but after throwing a bong out of her New York apartment the police and concerned citizens are officially fed up.

The Huffington Post notes that, according to the AP, a building official called the police with complaints about the Nickelodeon alumna rolling and smoking marijuana in the buildings lobby. Upon arriving at Bynes’ apartment, police observed heavy smoke and a bong, which she proceeded to toss out her window as if the cops weren’t looking directly at her while she did it. They were, and she still did.

Following her arrest Bynes was arraigned in court and released on her own recognizance, despite prosecutors pushing for her to be held on $1,000 bail.

The Twittershepere has blown up with both Bynes admitting to having plastic surgery, suffering from an eating disorder, and threatening to sue nearly every tabloid and magazine that wrote about her; but also from people calling for her to go and seek psychological help. It looks like now she might get it, whether she wants to or not.

Here’s a list of Amanda Bynes’ legal problems from Wikipedia:


On March 7, 2012, Bynes was stopped by Los Angeles police for talking on her cell phone while driving.


On April 6, Bynes was arrested and charged with driving under the influence after side-swiping a police car in West Hollywood. Her bail was set at $5,000, but was released without being required to post bail. On June 5, Bynes was officially charged with driving under the influence.


On September 4, Bynes was charged with hit-and-run related to leaving the scene of two separate accidents, one on April 10 and another on August 4, without providing proper information.


On September 6, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) suspended Bynes’ driver’s license.


On September 16, Bynes had her vehicle impounded after driving with a suspended license and on September 21, she was charged with driving with a suspended license On September 27, she pleaded not guilty to two charges of hit-and-run with her court date set for December 17. but before she had to appear in court, she reached a settlement with the other parties in the alleged hit-and-run incidents from April and August and that the charges were dismissed. 


On May 9, 2013, Bynes pled no contest to the charge of driving with a suspended license. She was sentenced to three years’ probation.


On May 23, 2013, police went to Bynes’ apartment on West 47th Street in Manhattan after they got a call from the doorman about someone smoking marijuana in the lobby. After a short investigation, she was arrested for reckless endangerment, tampering with evidence, and criminal possession of marijuana. She allegedly threw a bong out her 36th floor window. Bynes was taken to Roosevelt Hospital for an evaluation.