Amazon likes to dabble in just about everything. From online retailing to manufacturing tablets, the all-everything conglomerate is now adding video streaming to its resume. Amazon is reportedly investing millions in producing original video content for its site, but not quite for the reason you may be thinking.

Rather than join the ranks of Netflix and Hulu by selling streaming subscriptions, Amazon’s intent is to get you to buy more merchandise from its online marketplace. The Huffington Post notes that beginning later this year, Amazon Prime members will be able to watch several new TV shows the company is producing. The $79 per year membership expedites shipping for million of items.

The new content streaming service is supposedly an attempt to lure more people to sign up for Prime because those members spend twice as much annually and purchase more expensive products than do regular buyers, according to a report by Morningstar. Using its recommendation engine, Amazon will be able to tailor products and shows to what users indicate they enjoy watching and buying, and will only strengthen over time.

Amazon hasn’t disclosed how many members are currently signed up for Prime, but estimates by Morningstar via the Huffington Post point to approximately 10 million. By 2017, that number is expected to balloon to an estimated 25 million.

Netflix and Hulu, the heavyweights in content streaming, can rest easy as Amazon isn’t looking to move in on their respective turfs, though its certainly notable to consider that membership for Prime costs less per month than does Netflix, which hardly breaks the bank at $7.99 per month or $96 per year.

As for the video content itself, Amazon screened several pilot shows for customers and opted for 2 comedies and 3 kids’ shows to film full seasons. The quality of the each show still remains to be seen which bodes well for Netflix and Hulu who have already established sound user-bases with popular television shows and movies.