In a move sure to gain favor with their already loyal fan-base, Apple has begun repairing iPhone 5 displays in-store rendering the need to seek third-party repair shops completely obsolete. For the reasonable price of $149, Apple will repair your broken glass in an alleged 10 minutes flat.

Apple fan site MacRumors first found out about Apple’s new repair service when a “town hall session revealed that Apple would begin in-house repairs of displays in June in an effort to save approximately $1 billion per year.” Yesterday morning, though, Apple quietly began its in-house phone improvements, implementing its new repair policies via an unofficial announcement on a forum post. The repairs are available for cracked displays as well as screens that experience multi-touch issues.

This bodes extremely well for Boston dwellers as the Apple store on Bolyston St. will be much more convenient than the few-and-far-between repair shops with actual legitimacy.

One such fixer-upper is Boston iPhone Repair, located across the Charles in nearby Cambridge. While supporting a local business is great in its own right, buying an iPhone is an investment that is likely to put a strain on your wallet. The cheaper and more legitimate the repair shop, the better. While legit enough, Boston iPhone Repair will fix your iPhone 5 fix and/or replace your LCD touchscreen for a whopping $220. Going directly to the supply source will save you an extra $71 that you can subsequently blow on classy Uber rides and heat-beating Ben & Jerry’s.

Apple previously did not offer a repair service, forcing users to turn to sketchy third-party vendors or pay for a completely new device.

But what do the Apple faithful, as well as haters, have to say about the new repair service? Is Apple doing justice for its users or is it just undercutting local businesses? Would you rather take your device to an Apple store with a line queued down a handful of city blocks or hop on down to your local shop?