Alright. We definitely thought about putting up a paywall for April Fools; but, alas, the Huffington Post beat us to it (they put up a paywall only for NYT employees!). We’re going to instead feature some of the best April Fools pranks pulled by companies and organizations here in the Hub. It is afterall, the best day of the year to capitalize on some good creative marketing.

We’ll continue to update this list throughout the day to boast some of the best April Fools creativity to come out of the Hub. (Oh, and please feel free to email us your pranks, and let us know how we can help…)


Crowdsourcing leader, uTest, with their community of over 37,000 QA and software testers across the globe raises the bar on community engagement, “Because testers need love, too.” uTest announced the launch of, a free matchmaking site designed specifically to match software testers… with other software testers.

Best part about this prank: Devs actually got really excited about the prospect of this dating site. (Without it, they’re left impressing only through their comments on Hacker News.)

Office Drop

Office drop raised $1M in Angel, declining a $6B buyout from Google. “As tempting as it might seem to ‘make it rain’ with $1s and $5s all over Cambridge, that much paper goes against everything we stand for as a company,” said CEO Thammineni.

Best part about this prank: OfficeDrop’s PR company wouldn’t actually run the press release! They only had the opportunity to post the prank on their blog. The last line of the post: “April Fool’s. But we really did raise $1 million from White Owl.”


What the heck are “inspired burritos?” Boloco still get asked that every day, and they’re fed up. “To be honest, we’re not sure we even know anymore. We’ve explained it a gazillion times and most of the time people end up saying something like, “that sounds like a wrap to me!” Effective TODAY, April 1, 2011, Boloco is no longer and the company proudly introduces: Chipdoba Mexican Grill (get it, Chipotle + Qdoba?). Please follow @chipdoba from now on, and enjoy a 50% off liquidation sale for the company’s burritos.

Best part about this prank: Boloco rocks at community: they’ve already amassed over a thousand people following @chipdoba, and the 50% off is totally legit. Just flash the email at checkout., a new media outlet focused strictly on the payments industry, broke the news this morning that the US Treasury has made new moves to spur consumer spending again in the US. The $1 bill, which currently boasts George Washington, will be replaced with Justin Bieber. Printing to begin over the weekend.

The media outlet also broke that Charlie Sheen will be taking over the Consumer Financial Protection Agency. “[Expletive] and [expletive] to you all!” proclaimed Sheen before a crowd of cheering lawmakers. “For my first act as Director, I am renaming the CFPB to be called Charlie’s Financial Protection Bureau. Second, I plan to hire 1,224 goddesses as my staff and to make all consumers [expletive].”

Best part about these pranks: Both actually would probably spur more consumer spending.


Northeastern, known internationally for its co-op program, just announced that one of their juniors has landed the first co-op in space. BUT even better than this, students have let BostInno know that another more epic prank was pulled at Northeastern this morning: all 8am classes were rerouted to the same 4 classrooms!

Best part about these pranks: (a) You don’t have to go to the moon to experience weightlessness in college. (b) Northeastern students are really good at not actually having to go to classes to begin with, thanks to the co-op program, so +1 for the classroom re-route!


HubSpot just launched a “That’s What She Said” grader. “Show me what you got. Add your own TWSS and get your score for free.”

Best part about this prank: HubSpot has released so many branded graders, it’s more believable than not.

BEAM Interactive

BEAM Interactive is helping client Halls get into the haircare market. “We’re taking the hair world by storm with a new level of cool. Our complete line of salon-quality, mentholated hair care products with Advanced Vapor Action® tap the soothing power of our secret cough drop formula. The hair revolution is here and its roots are in cough drops.”

Best part about this prank: Halls is a pretty boring brand, so kudos to them for being down! (And Kudos to BEAM for also creatively boasting the brands real products amidst the April Fools joke.)

SCVNGR – LevelUp

SCVNGR has just created a new LevelUp – “$45 for a Deluxe Streaking Package @ Fenway Park (LevelUp Your Opening Day).” “This year, make your mark on the park early. Your friends may think your Red Sox-branded trench coat is some sort of April Fools joke, but they’ll know the sweet truth when you shed it and do a series of naked front handsprings across the outfield. With a spray tan, waxing session and explosive speed class conveniently administered in a parking lot near the stadium, you’ll be sure to look–and streak–your best.”

Best part about this prank: SCVNGR had a press release this morning about a new partnership, and this is way more exciting.


The MBTA has just announced that the BC line has been renamed the Holy Cross Line. Expect to see new maps throughout the system soon.

Best part about this prank: The B line still sucks to ride.

HubSpot #2

Dharmesh you almost got me there man. Check out his Tweet or “failed” DM. Using Twitter or Twitter clients you only use D and not DM, thus making a finger slip impossible.

Best part about this prank: I almost took the bait.